
Here’s how to manage your mental health in winter

Keep your mental health in mind this winter.
woman surfing in wetsuit in winter

As we deal with winter – and those chilly temperatures  –  a whole lot of us can find we struggle with our mental health. And we’re not alone – according to Beyond Blue, in Australia, around 1 in 2 people will struggle with their mental health during their lifetime.

But there are things we can do in winter to help boost our moods and keep our mental health in check. Here are some top tips from the mental health support team at Beyond Blue…

Get some sunlight

Much as you may want to stay under the doona, it’s important to try to get outside, even if it’s just for a short walk. Natural sunlight can lift your spirits and help regulate your sleep cycle, and it also triggers the release of serotonin, a neurochemical that helps regulate your mood.

Even when it’s cold in winter, it’s important to get outside in the sunlight.

Create an oasis at home

Think of it as a spa day. You get the idea – light the good candle you’ve been saving for a special occasion, pop on a good TV show and a face mask, make a cuppa and slip on some cosy clothing – including your favourite Uggs!

Don’t have any? No worries. During the month of May, 10% of sales from Ugg Express’s Wear Your Uggs Day collection will be donated to Beyond Blue, and their support service, then on the 1st of June – Wear your Uggs Day and the first day of winter –  10% of the sales on the entire website will be donated. This will help provide 24/7 free counselling, advice and referrals for anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention.

Stay social

Connection to others is really important for mental well-being. Having a social support network is a huge factor when it comes to fighting mental health issues, so try to catch up with friends and family – even if it’s just by phone. Use the opportunity for Wear Your Uggs Day to check in with your loved ones and connect with each other throughout the winter months to support each other

Get Mindful

While it may seem counter-intuitive – think more? Ergh, no thanks! – techniques like meditation, deep breathing and yoga can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Try calming your breathing with a 4-4-4 pattern – breathe in for 4, hold for 4 and release for 4 – it can calm anxious minds.

Get enough sleep

If possible around 7 hours a night of shut-eye will help you feel less stressed and also mean you’re able to deal with what life throws your way. Turn off your mobile, TV or tablet an hour before bed – the blue light from our devices is proven to trick our bodies into thinking it’s daytime when its not –  grab a cup of warm milk, take a hot bath and relax.

woman lying on couch, wearing ugg slippers
Create your oasis at home.

Keep moving

Yes we know it’s chilly outside, but wrap up and get out there and you’ll reap the rewards. Any activity that gets that heart pumping means that your brain releases neurochemicals to promote feelings of well-being. A fast walk around the park, a dance in front of the TV or even a little jog to the coffee shop should do it.

Take a media sabbatical

We all know that the constant barrage of news headlines can take a real toll, not to mention social media and what we find there. To protect yourself, consider limiting your media consumption, or schedule a day a week to stay off your devices.


Think about the things that you know help spark joy in your day, whether big or small. Embrace them by making time for them. Or try something new. This might be creating something, learning about land and country, making a playlist of music, playing a game, reading or visiting a gallery.

Talk to someone

You can call or chat online with Beyond Blue for counselling 24/7 free of charge. Call 1300 22 46 36 and they will listen, plus they can point you in the right direction for more help if needed.

About Wear Your Uggs Day…

As the cold winter is approaching, the perfect time to start wearing your ugg boots is for Wear Your Uggs Day on 1st of June. The day was created by the Australian brand Ugg Express to encourage people to wear their ugg boots while supporting the mental health of all Australians. Get your ugg boots ready from Ugg Express here.

Take a break from social media.

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