1. Wear your favourites
Whether it’s a favourite shade of lippie or a blazer that flatters your figure, we all have wardrobe items that make us feel good. Wearing these on days that your confidence feels low will help you feel better equipped to tackle life.
2. List your achievements
This might feel a little bit embarrassing at first, but making a big list of all the things you’ve achieved in your life could be your secret weapon in the future. Look back at this magical list whenever you need a confidence hit.
3. Look after yourself
When you feel nourished, you naturally feel very confident in yourself, but if you’re neglecting your own needs, that will adversely affect your confidence.
Look after yourself by drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet at least most of the time.
Read more: I did a 10km ocean swim with no arms!

4. Have a grateful mindset
Keeping a gratitude journal (or using an app like ‘Gratitude’) will help you notice all the good things in your life more regularly, which means you’re less likely to dwell on your shortcomings and more likely to appreciate your excellent qualities.
5. Be okay with mistakes
It’s hard to be confident if you are constantly worried about screwing up. If you can learn to accept the fact that things may not go well, yet do something challenging anyway, that will help you become more confident over time. No-one likes failure but the key is not letting that stand in your way.
6. Have uplifting friends
The company you keep has a huge impact on your self-worth. Spending time with friends who are positive and give you compliments will improve how you feel about yourself. Limit your contact with overly critical or judgemental people and this will help build confidence.

7. Celebrate the wins
When something goes well, such as a work assignment or a craft project, make a point of celebrating that by rewarding yourself. That helps you build pride and confidence in yourself.
8. Practise self-compassion
If you are mean to yourself, it will be difficult for you to feel confident about your value as a human. When you notice yourself being critical, change the script by saying kind things to yourself, such as, ‘You are very loved,’ or ‘You are doing the best you can’.
9. Avoid comparison
If you’re always looking at what other people are doing, you’ll probably feel like you’re falling short.
Life is not a contest, so avoid comparing yourself to how other people are doing in terms of their careers, relationships or bodies.
Consider unfollowing people on social media who make you feel inadequate.
10. Try learning something new
Mastering a new skill helps you feel more confident about your abilities. It could be as simple as cooking a complicated meal or more of a long-term project, like learning a new language via the Duolingo app.

11. Set a big goal
Challenge yourself to do something big, then gradually work towards it – and if it’s something that scares you, even better.
Whether it’s running a half-marathon or saving for a home deposit, achieving your goal will do wonders to build confidence!
12. Know your strengths
Maybe you’re a really good listener, a hard worker or a great problem-solver. Knowing your strengths and being able to draw on them will help you feel confident about what value you bring to situations and the people around you.
13. Change your posture
Ever noticed what a difference it makes to sit or stand up straighter? It instantly makes you feel like you can take on the world. You’ll look more confident as well.