Offspring, at its heart, is a show about family.
While the Proudmans might be rather unconventional – Nina, Billie and Jimmy have always been there for each other.
Yes, they have made mistakes. Sleeping with your sister’s ex-boyfriend is never a good idea (we’re looking at you Nina). But through it all, the Proudman trio stood by one another in dark times and good.
It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since we first met this trio, when the show premiered on Channel 10 on August 15, 2010. But you know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun!
We take a look back at some of our favourite moments from our favourite siblings…

Six at best – season one: While Mick (Eddie Perfect) and Billie (Kat Stewart) are on a break, Mick and Nina (Asher Keddie) have a drunken one-night-stand. In order to win her back, Mick writes a song about Nina’s average performance in bed. Nina is humiliated, but the light-hearted song does work in the sense that it helps Billie and Nina to reconnect. Phew!

Jimmy’s almost wedding – season two: What feels like moments after meeting his latest fling Tammy, Jimmy (Richard Davies) decides that it would be a great idea to marry her. Wrong! The Proudman family don’t take kindly to Tammy. Nina finds out that the pair are planning a secret wedding. Always the people pleaser, Nina supports Jimmy in his decision, yet all the while trying to subtly encourage him not to go through with it.

Nina’s not a Proudman – season three: The family is thrown into chaos when Cherie reveals that Nina isn’t Darcy’s biological daughter. Despite their half-sibling status, Billie and Jimmy make it clear to Nina that it doesn’t change anything about their relationship.

It’s all gone – season three: Just before Nina’s life was turned upside down with the reveal of the blood test, her apartment also caught fire, leaving her with nothing. Well, except the small basket of photos and important documents that Jimmy selflessly saved for her. Brothers are alright!

A baby is born – season three: Many tears were shed when Zara and Jimmy’s son Alfie was delivered prematurely. Not only did it see the Proudman family pull together, but it produced some lovely moments between the siblings. Especially when Jimmy introduced Billie to his son, as she had missed the birth due to being in New Zealand for work.

Break-up rant – season three:After Nina and Patrick break-up, Billie gives Patrick a very large piece of her mind. Sometimes you need a sister to fight your battles for you – even if it does make things a little awkward when you get back with your ex…

Sisterly love – season four: Shortly after Patrick’s death, when Nina (Asher Keddie) is heartbroken beyond belief, she confides to Billie (Kat Stewart) that she’s afraid she won’t be able to love her child because she’s too sad. Billie responds with, “I’ll cover you. If you’re too sad to start with, to love the baby, I’ll love the baby until you’re ready to”. Cue the sobbing.

Eggs on the brain – season six: After years of unsuccessful attempts for Billie and Mick, Nina selflessly offers her eggs to Billie in order for the couple to have a baby of their own. Despite the touching offer, Billie declines.

Shoulder to cry on – season seven: Upon Billie’s return from London she reveals that her and Mick have decided to break up, for good this time. After what feels like years of back and forth between the pair while Mick has been overseas, the pair has called it quits. Nina is a pillar of strength for Billie during this terrible time and Billie allows herself to crumble in front of her sister. So. Many. Tears.

“You’re alright” – season seven: The aftermath of Billie and Mick’s break up also produces a touching moment between Jimmy and Billie. As the family gathers for a picnic at the park, Billie and Jimmy take some time out together on the swings where they both commiserate about their failed relationships. But they reassure each other that they are “alright” whilst holding hands. You guys!