We’re just days away from seeing Dr Lucien Blake (Craig McLachlan) and Jean (Nadine Garner) back at it in The Doctor Blake Mysteries telemovie. With the exciting news that Channel Seven has picked up the murder mystery series after it was axed from ABC, we look back at all the shocking, sad moments from the show so far.

Memories of mum: The doc’s mother died when he was a boy. In season two, while investigating a murder in the art world, memories of his artist mum flood back. Dr Blake goes into his mum’s studio – it’s been untouched for years. There, he finds a painting of her friend, Agnes (Helen Morse). The secret gives him an insight into his mother, who he sadly lost way too young.

Back from the dead: Dr Blake is ready to propose to Jean in season four. At home with her, he produces a small box. “Jean, this was my mother’s ring, and I would very much like…” he gets as far as saying. But a knock at the door interrupts him. He’s stunned to find it’s his wife, Mei Lin Blake (Ling Cooper Tang). She’s still alive, creating a very awkward love triangle.

Behind bars: When the British consul comes to Ballarat in season one, a drunk Dr Blake gatecrashes the reception. The doc attacks the visitor (John Higginson) over the British abandoning Australians to die in Singapore. He says their actions cost him his wife and daughter. Following a clash, Dr Blake punches chief superintendent Lawson (Joel Tobeck) and is locked up overnight. It’s a reminder of just how much the doctor suffered during the war, and how deeply scarred he was.

A close call: Our favourite doctor nearly becomes a murder victim himself in season five when he returns to the scene of a crime. Alone in a dark garage, someone stabs him. Later, he wakes up in a hospital bed with Jean by his side. She’s upset she almost lost him. But the traumatic near-death experience doesn’t slow down Dr Blake. The next episode, he’s back to catching killers, even though he ruptured his stitches

Jean’s hot date: In season two, Blake is forced to accept that other men might be interested in Jean. When firefighter Richard (Tom Burlinson) arrives on the scene, Jean and he become friendly. The two go out a few times, and the doc tells Jean he has his “blessing” to see Richard. But it turns out the firefighter isn’t Mr Right − he’s a killer! Happily, the door is left open for Dr Blake.

Triple tragedy: This is one of the most horrifying crime scenes Dr Blake has to face. In season two, acting superintendent Ashby (John Stanton) and the doc investigate three bodies − members of the Dennison family − found at breakfast. Jean’s troubled son, Jack (Aaron Jakubenko), arrived in town the night before and the doc suspects he may be involved in the murders. Jack wasn’t, but it’s an emotional episode for Jean and Dr Blake.

Stop the bus!: Jean makes the decision to move to Adelaide in season three. As she boards the bus from Ballarat, she keeps an eye out for Dr Blake. But the doctor is busy solving yet another murder. He also witnesses the long-awaited downfall of chief superintendent Munro (Craig Hall). Does the doc get to Jean’s bus before it leaves for Adelaide? No. But he flags down the vehicle and takes the seat next to Jean. The two hold hands and snuggle in close. At last!