It’s Finals Week for Australian Survivor Season 2 and with less than a week to go until the live finale, the top four reveal their biggest secrets.
From wasps to kisses, the final four dish out their most well-kept secrets!
For any mum, time away from your kids is hard, but for mum-of-three Tara Pitt, the struggle was so real that she wanted to leave. “Any time it rained, I was hungry or missing my kids, I wanted to go home,” Tara admits.
Once out, Tara realised how much she missed the little luxuries that were hard to find on the Samoan beach. “I remember when I got to the hotel I just sat on the toilet. I didn’t need to go, but sat on it anyway, just because I could!”
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Jericho says he’s convinced that the show has made him totally paranoid!
Tara’s struggles were nothing compared to 25-year-old Jericho Malabonga, whose paranoia crept up on him even when he left island. “Out of everyone, I think I got the least sleep.”
But only FOMO could be blamed for his lack of shut-eye. “Middle-of-the-night talks were important to overhear,” he tells OK!. And even in the real world, Jericho’s survivor radar was up and running. “I got home and someone would cook me eggs and I’d be thinking, “What’s your agenda?”
On the other hand, Michelle is still in shock to have made it to the end of the show. Despite wasps, a bad case of trench foot and a bite from who knows what, nothing could stop 33-year-old nanny Michelle Dougan. “I was stung by three wasps, had two really bad bouts of trench foot, which I’m still dealing with, and earlier on I was bitten – they think it was a spider… or maybe a rat – and I had 24 hours for it to go down, or I was going home,” she says.
Out of the final four Peter Conte seems to have had the best experience as a castaway. I mean, there was even a kiss involved! Digital advertising producer Peter may come across like the silent type but is definitely a whole lot bubblier in real life. “I celebrated my birthday on the island and AK tried to give me a kiss!” he tells OK!.
Wait! You guys actually kissed?! “Nah, I recoiled.”
For more on Australian Survivor pick up this week’s issue of OK!, on sale now!
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