Reality TV fans around the country lost their collective minds after Married at First Sight’s Dean Wells posted a photograph with The Bachelor’s Emma Roche.
In the caption, the former reality star fuelled romance rumours by stating: “If anything good ever came of reality TV its meeting this amazing human and sharing a glass of @littlerippleswine #RealityTVAllStars.”
Fuelling the fire even more, several of Dean’s co-stars “congratulated” him on, well, having a single meeting with Emma(?!) – with the exception of MAFS’ Nasser Sultan who said: “Oh dear! She needs to visit spec savers. They have 30% off…” Lol!
And now, in a Now to Love exclusive, Emma Roche has come clean about the relationship.
“We are just good friends but there’s nothing romantic there,” she admitted. “I’m still single and looking for love.”
READ NEXT: Why Emma Roche is glad she was sent home from The Bachelor Australia
Dean uploaded this photo of him and Emma after meeting on a night out.
(Source: Instagram/Dean Wells)During The Bachelor season this year, we watched as Emma fell head-over-heels in love with Matt Agnew.
However, as we watched her “love love” on-screen, photographs surfaced between the Irish beauty and an unidentified man, playfully hanging out on the beach.
“We are also just really good friends too,” Emma revealed. “No romantic involvement with him either.”
“We were just taking a walk on the beach and he offered me a piggyback when I didn’t want to get my feet wet.” What a gentleman!
WATCH NEXT: Matt ticks all of Emma’s boxes on The Bachelor. Story continues…
Emma was eliminated from the series after the hometown visits, where it became clear to Matt that she was more invested in their budding relationship than he was.
Though she was sad, Emma admitted in an interview with TV WEEK that she was glad she was sent home.
“I’m free!” Emma joked after her elimination.
“No, but at the end of the day you need to be realistic, there is always going to be someone being sent home.
“If he had kept me longer, knowing how he felt about me after hometowns, it would have taken me longer to get over the whole experience. So I’m happy I left when I did.”
As for the ‘clinger’ label that was quickly bestowed upon her by some viewers, Emma doesn’t really care.
“Did you count how many times I said love?” she asked, laughing.
“The first couple of episodes I was pretty shocked, I wasn’t expecting it at all and I don’t think anyone would, but after that you just have to roll with it don’t you? It is what it is. If people want to call me a clinger, then so be it.”