Reality TV

A nurse and a nature fiend: We pinpoint the exact moment Locky and Irena fell head over heels for each other

It all began with a stethoscope.
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As soon as Irena Srbinovska pulled out a stethoscope to measure Locky Gilbert’s heartbeat, we knew he was toast.

The Bachelor pair struck up an instantaneous connection on the reality dating show, with the Survivor star seemingly lovestruck by the Melbourne nurse’s gentle personality and down-to-earth nature.

As the season progressed, both single and group dates saw their connection grow stronger (aided by some pretty lengthy pashing session in-between).

Now, as the finale draws closer, it looks as though Irena is a shoo-in for Locky’s final rose (if you needed any evidence, just take a gander here).

So, to mark what looks to be the beginning of quite the love story, we round up the Bachelor poster couple’s journey so far in pictures.

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The Bachelor Australia 2020: Irena’s Arrival

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You only needed to listen out for the change in music to notice that Irena was destined for big things on the reality show. As soon as she stepped out of the limo, things seemed to slow down, with Locky’s full attention well and truly taken by the stunning nurse.

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Irena gets Bachelor Locky’s heart racing

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Their first date was nothing short of textbook Bachelor success. Popping a bottle of champagne (with a knife, no less), Locky and Irena’s relationship was in full bloom.

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So much so that no one was surprised when Locky pulled out a rose.

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Of course, you can’t have a single date with these two and not expect a kiss.

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Group dates

Some of the other women in the competition didn’t even get a look in when it came to group dates – Locky and Irena couldn’t deny their chemistry.

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Seriously, these two can’t help but be close as frequently as humanely possible.

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After Love in Lockdown

During Love in Lockdown, Irena revealed that she and Locky had spoken almost every day. So when they were eventually reunited, the excitement was real.

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Yep, more kissing was very necessary after weeks apart.

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At cocktail parties, these two used any excuse they could to steal a moment away with each other.

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And when a group challenge posed the opportunity to get close to Locky, Irena embraced it with open arms.

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Single date

As the season neared its end, Locky dedicated yet another single date to Irena, taking her on an outdoor venture well suited to both their tastes.

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Date 2

Did someone say poster couple?

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What would a single date with these two be without a kiss?

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