Episode three opens with Simon seeing the light!
He has been indoctrinated into the church of Shonee and has come to share in her belief that keeping George around until merge as a shield is the smartest thing to do.
After a montage of Stevie meticulously tending to the villains fire and teaching his tribe some tai chi, we jump straight into a rewards challenge where contestants compete one on one, running to the water, jumping into the water and securing a bean bag that they then need to manoeuvre into their goal.
It gets pretty physical quickly, but with a jar of cookies on the line (and the sugar high that comes with it), this is one challenge neither tribe wants to lose.
Unfortunately for Stevie, he is put forth as the sacrificial lamb to compete against mega-man Shaun and sadly there’s no prizes for effort.

Stevie went head to head against Shaun in the rewards challenge. It went as well for Stevie as you would expect.
(IMAGE: Ten)After the villains secure the victory thanks to Mimi, who battles it out in the final round against Paige, we cut back to camp for the first look at the heroes tribe and the alliances that are starting to form.
Award winning broadcaster Benjamin Law describes what he is seeing best for us, as the ”alpha males” of the tribe gather to discuss strategy.
”They are having a meat tray convention,” Ben says.
”Shaun is a massive T-bone steak presented to people as a challenge, Sam is a total crowd pleaser so he’s a beautiful juicy porterhouse steak, Dave is a strapping athlete so he has to be a beautiful juicy porterhouse steak and Matty is an ocean boy so I reckon he is catch of the day.”
As for Ben, he describes himself as ”mincemeat” because he wants to be ”spread around.”
After Ben and the girls finish ogling the meat tray convention, we switch back to the villains camp who are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of having some cookies in their belly.

The cookies came at the perfect time for our villains tribe who were as they put it ”starving.”
(IMAGE: Ten)But whilst everyone is digging in, George is running around like a madman searching for an immunity idol, which (total shock) he does indeed find in the roots of a tree.
Despite the obvious bulge in his pocket, George returns to camp with his tribemates none the wiser, telling the camera that like his last idol in Brains vs Brawns, he will get this brand new one tattooed around his neck (let’s hope it’s not as garish as its counterpart).
Now for anyone familiar with the game, there are always hidden opportunities for those that look, and that’s exactly what Mimi did, sneaky around camp in the dead of night and shoving her hand to the bottom of the cookie jar to see if she she could find anything.
But unfortunately for Mimi, luck isn’t on her side because she is spotted snooping and walks away empty handed.
And thus, she is dubbed the ”cookie monster”, Steve even telling her that she should take a page out of his handbook on how to be sneaky (because he is the obvious expert, note the sarcasm).

Mimi became embroiled in a scandal on Survivor. We’ve dubbed it ‘cookie-gate’.
(IMAGE: Ten)Next comes the elimination challenge which (again) is very physical.
The villains struggle big time and lose (again) but before everyone goes their separate ways, George hugs his archrival Hayley and whispers in her ear that he not only has an idol, but where she could find one of her own.
Which begs the question, has he put his thirst for vengeance to the side, or is he setting up Hayley to be a target on her tribe?
Unfortunately for Hayley, we think it’s the latter.
Back at the villains tribe Stevie seems to think he’s pulling all the strings, even referring to Simon as ”his puppet” (whatever you say Stevie) whilst Simon gets down to business (or should we say the cookie jar) and finds his own immunity idol.
”I have a thirst for cookies and that thirst has led these hungry little hands to something more delicious than any cookie could ever be,” Simon tells the camera.
But then things get weird, and if you ask us, a tad gross.
When revealing to Jordie that he has found an idol, Jordie wants to cop a feel. But it’s not that easy given the idol is shoved in between Simon’s ar** cheeks.
”You can feel it in my ar** when the time is right,” Simon tells Jordie.
To which Jordie reaches down for a feel anyway.

RIP George’s hat 2022 – 2022
(IMAGE: Ten)Things get heated at tribal as the villains run around whispering in ears about who they want to vote out.
Simon has left the church of Shonee and is determined to use his idol to blindside George, but Jordie is the voice of reason and implores him to hold off.
Ultimately, it’s Mimi whose torch gets snuffed. I guessed the tribe just couldn’t get over her cookie crushing antics.
Or as Jonathan puts it: ”Well that was an epic tribal, but sometimes that’s just how the cookie crumbles.”
Simon hangs back after tribal, pulling out George’s ”villain hat” out of his bag which he then throws onto the fire in what he probably thinks is a huge power move (spoiler alert: it’s not).
”I’ll be back to finish the job,” Simon says.
But Jonathan just seems dumbfounded by Simon’s antics: ”You might regret that.”