The final rose ceremony on The Bachelor, set in romantic tropical Noumea, New Caledonia, will be emotionally charged, and filled with tears of joy and heartache.
With the explosive last scenes only days away from playing out on screen, Woman’s Day can exclusively reveal that prior to Nick “the Honey Badger” Cummins splitting from his leading lady Brittany, the couple had had every intention of marrying and had been planning a wedding!
“He’s getting married,” exposed Nick Cummin’s charismatic uncle Mike when approached for comment.
However, when pressed, the Manly Beach NSW pizza shop owner remained coy about who his nephew had chosen, citing a confidentiality agreement with the network’s producers prohibiting him from revealing the winner.
Mike did say that while he was yet to meet The Bachelor’s new fiancee, he was aware who his nephew had chosen in the heart-wrenching finale.
WATCH: Brittany confronts Cassie over her past with Nick. Post continues…

Insiders say Nick going overseas may be a move to avoid public scrutiny, or it’s because he still holds a torch for Brooke.
“All my mates’ sheilas have been asking me, ‘What’s the go?'” he admits.
While it’s yet to be confirmed where Brittany, 31, and Nick, who turns 31 this week, stand with each other, things are said to have soured and the wedding is rumoured to be off.
To add insult to injury, Nick won’t even be in Australia when the show’s final episode airs, leaving the beautiful brunette to handle the heartache, humiliation and media hype alone.
Want more celeb goss? Listen to the latest episode of the Woman’s Day Uncensored Podcast, where we chat about Sophie Delezio’s year 12 formal, Andrew O’Keefe’s downward spiral and how Woman’s Day obtained this week’s most shocking photographs.

Flying solo: Brittany won’t have Nick around for support when the finale airs.
“Britt’s extremely close with her family, especially her sister Sheri, who will be there as a shoulder to cry on when things get tough,” a caring friend confides to Woman’s Day.
As hundreds of thousands tune in to the see who Bachelor Nick picks to spend his future with, the footy larrikin will be overseas on a work trip in Papua New Guinea.