Reality TV

“I feel like it was just to humiliate me, have one over me”: Brooke Blurton weighs in on how Darvid Garayeli announced their break up

''I was silenced, I was defenceless.''
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One month after Brooke Blurton and Darvid Garayeli’s shock break up, Bachelorette fans are still reeling over what went wrong in the couple’s seemingly perfect relationship.

Brooke has now spoken out candidly in her first TV interview since the split, claiming her ex-boyfriend wanted to “humiliate” her by announcing their break up to social media.

“Being in the public eye already is so difficult. Dealing with criticism and dealing with trolls and putting yourself out there in a very vulnerable place, it’s already so hard to navigate,” she told NITV’s The Point on Tuesday.

Brooke and Darvid broke up around New Year’s.

(Image: Instagram)

“Adding the layers and complexities of a very public relationship ending from a show that doesn’t have the biggest success rate in terms of relationships working out, it’s a lot of pressure.”

The 26-year-old said she wished Darvid would have waited a bit longer before taking to Instagram to reveal that they had gone their separate ways.

“It’s a lot of pressure and I had no choice in any part of (the split) going public, but it did,” she said.

“I feel like it was just to humiliate me, have one over me. What else did I have to do? I was silenced, I was defenceless, I just had to cop it. And that’s exactly what I did.”

Brooke said she wished Darvid had waited before announcing their breakup on Instagram.

(Image: Ten)

Despite the heartbreak, Brooke said she still pinches herself at being the show’s first Indigenous and openly bisexual lead.

“The filming itself has been one of the best experiences of my entire life,” she said. “I have no regrets to doing the show. I reckon the gravity of it and when it meant [for First Nations and LGBTQIA+ communities] to have that representation outweighs any negative.”

Darvid first went public with the break up just after New Year’s Eve with a lengthy post on Instagram.

“Starting the new year off with an end to a chapter and hopefully the beginning of another,” Darvid wrote at the time.

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“Unfortunately Brooke and I have parted ways. Whilst we both genuinely thought we were each others person, things change and that’s okay.”

A few hours later, Brooke took to her own social media, revealing Darvid’s post had left her blindsided and overwhelmed.

“I just want to say right now I’m finding this really quite overwhelming and just as surprising to me as you guys,” she said.

“I just woke up to the news. It was definitely agreed to part ways. I just wanted to do it privately, amicably and respectfully.”

Brooke told NITV’s The Point that she has no regrets going on the show.

(Image: NITV)

“This was a surprise to wake up to just as much as it was for you guys,” she concluded, adding she would be “tuning out” for now.

Two weeks later, Brooke again took to Instagram to reveal she was the one who chose to end their relationship.

“As you’re all aware, Darvid and I have gone our separate ways. Darvid on the 2/1 came online and publicly announced that we had parted ways,” Brooke shared in a lengthy post on January 14.

“In an ideal world I would have preferred to have a mutual agreement and/ or had a say in when/how we express that to the public but instead woke to that news which obviously kinda shocked me. Which is where you saw my reaction.

Despite the heartbreak, Brooke said she still pinches herself at being the show’s first Indigenous and openly bisexual lead.

(Image: Instagram)

“But Darvid had every right to make that decision, his platform, he can choose that for himself. I’d say it’s better to rip the band aid off.”

“It was my choice to end the relationship and I had been thinking about it for a bit towards the end. My reasons for that are completely valid to me.”

Brooke said there was an intense amount of pressure on their relationship, but admitted “we both lost ourselves along the way.”

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