Reality TV

“You have some bigggg boots to fill…”: Bachelor in Paradise’s Helena responds to Jamie’s curve ball declaration of love

The twist absolutely no one saw coming.
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When Jamie Doran made a surprise declaration of love to Helena Sauzier after he was eliminated from Bachelor in Paradise on Wednesday night, fans were completely taken aback.

But none more so than Helena herself, who had the best response when she saw it on the small screen.

Following his elimination, 40-year-old Jamie turned to the group and addressed how he’d built walls up around himself for the last 10 years and that Paradise helped him to open himself up.

“I had feelings for Helena that I’ve actually never felt for anyone ever in my life. She gave me butterflies every morning when I saw her,” he said.

“I’m gonna go out there and find my own version of Helena and that’s what I’m going to take from this experience.”

“I had feelings for Helena that I’ve actually never felt for anyone ever in my life.”

(Network Ten)

However Helena, 25, who watched the episode with her sister Alexandra, had the sweetest reaction to Jamie’s reaction and shared her thoughts on her Instagram Stories.

Whilst filming Jamie’s exit and Alexandra’s reactions, the 25-year-old blonde beauty took the compliment in her stride.

“Future husby you have some bigggg boots to fill I’ll tell you that much,” she quipped in the caption.

Helena has her own response to Jamie’s unexpected declaration.


Helena, who was eliminated alongside Jessica Brody, also shared her reaction to Jamie’s lovesick outpouring earlier in the show.

“I was so shut down to meeting someone and meeting someone like her has given me rebirth,” he confessed to Timm Hanly on the show.

“I’d be talking to her and I would be busting to go to the toilet and I would rather piss my pants and sit there and talk to her than go to the toilet,” he added.

“I’d just hang on and hang on and hang on – I just didn’t want to leave her.”

But once again Helena laughed it off.

“If my future husband doesn’t piss his pants for me he’s not worth it xo.” she joked adding, “But seriously @jamiecdoran you absolutely kill me,” alongside a kiss face emoji.

Jamie confessed he had feelings for Helena.

(Network Ten)

In an exclusive chat with Who Helena said that the moment when Jamie packed his things and tried to leave Paradise after he thought Timm was leaving was “quite sad”.

“It’s quite sad to watch but I think Jamie just gets really emotionally involved in things,” she revealed.

“He did absolutely love Timm, it’s quite sad to watch!”

This article originally appeared on our sister site, New Idea.

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