Going on House Rules has had its perks for Andrew and Jono

The twins have discovered the upside of reality TV fame.
Andrew and Jono House Rules

WA twins Andrew and Jono have both discovered surprising benefits to having appeared on House Rules.

Andrew works as a community AFL co-ordinator, and has recently been umpiring footy games for primary school kids.

“It actually helped that I was on House Rules because the kids weren’t giving my any lip because they all liked me on the show,” he tells TV WEEK with a laugh. “If I made the wrong decision they were okay with it because they liked me already!”

Meanwhile, Jono is currently working as a substitute teacher, while waiting for his new permanent job to begin. He’s also discovered that being a reality TV star has its advantages.

“The kids love it when I’m in their class, actually,” he says. “They get so excited when they see me walk in. It probably makes it easier to handle the class!”

However, Jono is finding that some of the kids are perhaps a little too familiar with him.

“One kid just constantly calls me ‘Jono’ now. It’s not ‘Mr King’. I’ve tried to correct her but it’s just ‘Jono’ now and I just let it go.

“There’s one kid at the school who reckons I’m her future husband, which is a little bit odd. She’s only a Year Two kid as well!”

Sadly, Andrew and Jono’s House Rules journey finished up last night after receiving the lowest scores in the charity renovations round.

Next week Aaron and Daniella and Kate and Harry will battle it out in the series finale.

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