
Prince William vows to “actually bring change” at Earthshot Prize awards ceremony

''I want to actually bring change''
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Prince William made a huge statement at the third annual Earthshot Prize awards ceremony in Singapore.

He reflected on how the past British Royals spent their time “highlighting lots” and bringing light to many different causes but he has decided to focus solely on a few different projects to make a change.

Prince William in Singapore taking a hike at the Tree Top Walk.

(Credit: Getty)

“The thing that ties it all together for me is about social leadership,” William told reporters.

“That’s what I’m trying to find my way in, is I care about so many things, and previously the family have been very much spotlighting brilliantly and going round and highlighting lots, I want to go a step further.”

“I want to actually bring change and I want to bring people to the table who can do the change if I can’t do it. And so it’s all about progressing, helping and advancing particular social causes that need to be given more support.”

Prince William is embarking on ending homelessness after announcing a new project in June.

“I’ve been in the homelessness sector for a long time now, and so rather than just being patron I want to do more, I want to actually build the homes, I want to provide them with the mental support, all the employment and the education they might need.” William shared the meaning behind his new venture.

Prince William showcased his efforts by stopping at the Centre for Wildlife Forensics.

(Credit: Getty)

“It’s all these wraparound services, it’s kind of going deeper and longer, than it is the case of just having loads of causes that you sort of turn up and keep an eye on.”

Prince William further explained, “It’s more about: how do I show my intent more? How do we do more for you? And give you a better, better future.”

“But you have to remain focused, if you spread yourself too thin you just can’t manage it and you won’t deliver the impact or the change that you really want to happen.”

In Singapore, Prince William shared his feelings on the ceremony, “The key aim is that every year we’ve got to get bigger and reach more people – the profile is massive so we need to make that bigger and better.”

“And this is the first time we’ve come into Asia, so it’s important the Asian market see us, know what the actual prize is. We’ve predominantly obviously done Western with the UK and Boston. So I think it’s all about working out: where do we go next? How do we join the dots?”

Robert Irwin and Prince William chatting at the Earthshot Awards.

(Credit: Getty)

Prince William has made his efforts known by fully immersing himself in the causes he chooses.

He spent his last day in Singapore taking a hike at the Tree Top Walk and then headed to the Centre for Wildlife Forensics.

The centre is a special laboratory that is linked to the international effort to monitor the DNA of illegal wildlife products as law enforcement teams try to track where the animal parts may have originated.

Robert Irwin expressed his excitement over William’s leadership, “I have dedicated my life to wildlife conservation. I share that with Prince William and I admire him greatly.”

“He is certainly someone I look up to and I hope I can create the same sort of change that he does. He is a real beacon to everyone in the conservation field.”

Earthshot exemplifies everything we are trying to achieve on such a massive scale. We have been doing all this for years. Now, for Earthshot Prize to come along, that takes all of these issues to the world on a level that is unrivalled.”

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