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EXCLUSIVE: Melissa Doyle reveals the valuable lesson she’s teaching her son

''I want to make sure that my son knows he's got to support all the women around him.''
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When it comes to powerhouse women, it doesn’t get much stronger than Melissa Doyle.

And a teenage daughter, and one of the most successful journalism careers in Australia, Melissa doesn’t shy away from having tough conversations about gender equality.

Speaking to The Weekly at the 2022 Women of the Future Awards, the former Sunrise host said it’s imperative men advocate for women – and it’s a lesson she’s instilling in her 21-year-old son Nick.

Melissa is teaching her son Nick that he needs to empower women.

(Image: Instagram)

“It’s just so important that they [men] support us, and not in a tokenistic way, just genuinely support us,” she said.

“Because you know we can jump up and down all we like about changing the world, but unless everyone is united in the same goal then its going to be a really tough battle.”

Melissa said she’s raised her 18-year-old daughter Natalia to be a strong, fearless woman.

“I’ve always said, I have a son and a daughter and I need to empower my son just as much as my daughter,” she said.

“My girl is growing up knowing she can do anything, I want to make sure that my son knows he’s got to support all the women around him so they can do anything.”

Melissa and her daughter Talia at the 2022 Women of the Future Awards.

(Image: Getty)

In December last year, Melissa told The Weekly that while she’s raising Talia to be independent and strong, she tries not to overthink parenting.

“She will do great things… I just let her be herself and I couldn’t be more proud,” the former Sunrise host said.

“I hope that she has just seen that there is now every opportunity available and she makes the most of it, never wastes a moment and will just be the kind, gorgeous woman that she is.

“I look at the extraordinary young women who are doing amazing things today and I just have so much faith in where the world is going.”

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Talia also got candid on what it’s like having a prolific Australian television presenter, author and journalist as a mum.

“It’s honestly exactly what you’d expect,” Talia said.

“She’s a good balance of strict and kind, you’ve got your rules in place but there’s also not so many that she’s a controlling, helicopter parent.”

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