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The hilarious way Ed Kavalee convinced his now wife Tiffiny Hall to go on their first date

Now, this is a great meet-cute story!
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Australian golden couple Ed Kavalee and Tiffiny Hall are officially parents of two, sharing four-year-old son Arnold and newborn daughter Vada.

But it’s hard to believe the parents of two met in the most delightful, yet unlikely set of circumstances.

Years before Tiff starred as a personal trainer on The Biggest Loser and would go on to create her own fitness program, TIFFXO, she was one of the star performers on Channel Seven’s Gladiators.

Ed had never met Tiff in person, but was so enamoured by her on TV that he orchestrated a way for the pair to meet.

“They were filming Gladiators at the showgrounds and I was working at Nova,” Ed told news.com.au in 2018.

“I said, ‘Can I go and interview the Angel Gladiator because she’s so hot?’ So we actually met when I interviewed her when she was a Gladiator, but she didn’t remember meeting me.”

Tiff pictured as the Gladiator named Angel during her time on the hit TV show.

(Image: Channel 7)

As his crush on Tiff deepened, Ed set out to find other excuses to chat to the woman who would go on to become his wife.

“I was doing fill-in radio and I got her to come in for an interview like three times in a row,” Ed said.

“The third time the publicist at Channel Seven goes to me, ‘It’s getting a bit ridiculous that you keep asking Tiffiny in.’ And Tiff turned to me and said, ‘Yeah, it is ridiculous. When are you just going to ask me out?’ And that’s how we got together.”

Of their first meeting, Tiff said she was so focused on her work that she didn’t remember Ed.

“I didn’t care about you,” Tiff told 9 Honey in 2019.

“But later on, you were very charming, and very funny. And I liked you, very tall and handsome and there we go, the rest is history.”

Tiff and Ed have been inseparable ever since.

(Image: Instagram)

Ed intended to propose to Tiff during a fancy dinner, but he became too nervous, thanks to the other diners, who kept coming up to the couple to say hello.

When they returned home from their date night, Ed challenged Tiff to a race to put on her pyjamas, and then surprised her in their bedroom, getting down on one knee in his dressing gown.

The moment could not have been more perfect.

“Both of us were in tears,” Tiff said.

Tiff is famous for her rock-hard abs and sweaty gym selfies.

(Image: Instagram)

While the couple worked hard at their respective work projects – Tiff was growing her exercise program and her Instagram following, as well as starring on Channel 10’s The Living Room, and comedian Ed was cracking jokes on Thank God You’re Here, Have You Been Paying Attention? and his various FM radio jobs, the couple started thinking about having a baby.

Soon, they received the happy news that Tiff was pregnant.

But her pregnancy was not an easy journey, and the normally super fit Tiff was left bedridden for nine months, suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, and barely able to get out of bed, let alone exercise.

She put on 30kg during her pregnancy and was sick right until the very end.

“I put on 30kg, I was sick the whole time right up until my last contraction and all I wanted was sausage rolls,” she told news.com.au.

“My pregnancy didn’t go to plan, but it delivered me a healthy baby. I just embraced it and was proud of what my body achieved.”

Tiff pictured just days after having Arnold.

(Credit: Instagram)

Arnold Martin Kavalee was born in September 2017, yet the birth was anything but routine.

“We got to our weekly appointment and my obstetrician said, ‘Oh you’re two centimetres dilated, you’re in labour!’ And I said, ‘Oh am I?’ I didn’t even notice. And then it was all happening from there, within two hours I had Arnold,” she told Kidspot in 2017.

Soon, things turned bad.

“Arnold’s heart rate dropped very low, he had the cord wrapped around his neck,” Tiff explained.

“So I didn’t have any time to enjoy the epidural, they pretty much flung me back, my legs went up in the stirrups and I had to start pushing.

Tiff and Ed with their gorgeous young son Arnold.

(Credit: Instagram)

As the baby’s heart rate kept dropping, both Ed and Tiff became increasingly emotional and distressed.

Tiff said she just closed her eyes and focused on getting her baby out safely.

“I said, ‘Don’t pat me on the back, don’t touch me just coach me because I’m used to being coached just tell me I’m doing a good job‘,” she said.

“[Ed] saw the heart rate of the baby drop and everyone came rushing in,” she said.

“He saw the cord wrapped around the baby’s neck as he came out and he saw the obstetrician just reach it around his head to relieve him, it was pretty full on for Ed.”

WATCH BELOW: Tiff Hall jokes about her breastfeeding mishap. Story continues after video.

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Tiff and Ed say there was no one particular moment when they knew they’d be together forever.

“I think it’s more gradual than that,” Ed said. “I think you just sort of—

“—Grow on each other,” Tiff finished. “Stick to each other. Like a barnacle.”

Ed added: “You have the initial moment of attraction and then one day you go, ‘This is exactly what I want to be doing with my life’.”

The couple keep their love alive not through fancy date nights, but “little moments of love”.

“Any moment you can take to have a little bit of fun together is worth it,” Ed said. “Everything is cumulative.”

Tiff, Ed and an adorable baby Arnold.

(Credit: Instagram)

As for their favourite thing about each other?

“For me, it’s just Ed’s lightness,” Tiff says. “I’m very driven, very determined and very focused, and with that comes a bit of a heaviness, I think. I can get really full-on about it and Ed brings that lightness and sense of humour.”

And for Ed?

“Look at her. She’s absolutely gorgeous, wonderful, lights up every room. It’s beautiful watching her gorgeous nature and sunny outlook on life coming through in the next generation – I’m the luckiest man in the world … There’s nothing I would change about my wife. She is a perfect person.”

Now the smitten duo have welcomed a second child together, announcing the news in May 2022 via Instagram, sharing a first glimpse at the precious bub.

“Arnold’s little sister has arrived. Welcome Vada Kavalee,” the fitness queen penned alongside a black and white snap of her daughter’s tiny hand.

We couldn’t be happier for the family of four.

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