Celebrity News

EXCLUSIVE: Christian Wilkins reveals the surprising piece of advice his famous dad Richard gave him about tackling the limelight

''Chew like hell...''
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A few years ago, talking about Christian Wilkins would almost always correlate back to his famous father, Christian Wilkins.

But these days, Christian has built his own empire, and he’s stepped out of his father’s shadow to slay the celebrity scene in Australia – though not without a little wisdom from the stalwart TV presenter.

Chatting to Now To Love about one of his latest ventures – an apt, hair-raising one at that – Christian revealed that his dad has always been the one to tell him to push him forwards.

“Bite off more than you can chew,” Christian tells us of his father’s best advice.

“And chew like hell!”

Christian’s dad Richard has shown him the ropes to stardom.


Of course, it’s not like Christian hasn’t been thrust into the limelight regardless of his father.

After a few years of trailing his dad while he attended and ventured to high-profile gigs, Christian built up his own data-base of famous pals – Kim Kardashian, for one.

“I’m very lucky to have met some really inspirational people in my life, more often than not simply because I’ve tagged along with my dad while he’s working,” Christian explains, before admitting there was one celebrity who really left him spellbound.

“I was really blown away by how courteous, authentic and genuine Kim Kardashian was. She went around the room to every cammo and sound person, introduced herself, was engaging and very sweet,” he said.

“During press interviews, everyone is there doing their job, it makes a big difference when the “celebrity” doesn’t act like they’re the only one working.”

Christian has an array of celebrity friends, including Home and Away‘s Lincoln Lewis and his DWTS partner, Lily Cornish.


And his whirlwind in the limelight doesn’t end there.

Just last week he blazed down the runway during Camilla’s show at Australian Fashion Week.

One to break down gender stereotypes, Christian looked just as flawless, feminine and downright stunning as his female model counterparts while wearing a showstopping icey blue and white corset dress complete with puff sleeves, delicate embroidery and a bejewelled headpiece.

You honestly couldn’t make it up! Everyone was rightfully obsessed.

And recently, he’s scored one of the most appropriate, personal gigs we ever did see.

At the beginning of 2021, iconic haircare producer Pantene named Christian as their official ambassador – and it’s not hard to see why he made the cut.

The 25-year-old is a walking talking model for lush hair – with his long blonde locks and passion for haircare, he’s the full package.

Lush mane appreciation post.


Which begs the question – how does he keep it looking so shiny and healthy?

His favourite product in the world might answer that – a leave-in oil.

“My hair fibers are quite thin and my hair can get a bit wirey – not cute – so a great leave in oil really helps to maintain frizz,” he explains to us, personally recommending the Pantene Pro-V Miracle Oil Leave on Treatment, which you can buy for $9 at your local Woolies.

While we’re on the topic of Christian’s hair, it pays to note (and maybe take some inspo) from his go-to hairstyle.

“I love effortless, easy hair, a good wash a day before an event,” he says, before adding his final tip: “Then a spritz of dry shampoo and texturizer spray and Bob’s your Uncle!”

Sounds like something we can happily get on board with. Bring on the next big project…

WATCH: Christian Wilkins and his DWTS co-star Lily Cornish share their best self isolation tips:

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