Those who battle with eczema understand just how hard it is to manage the blotchy, itchy rashes and flare ups. Unfortunately, adult eczema doesn’t have a cure, which means there are many eczema sufferers desperate for ways to treat, prevent and manage the skin condition.
Madison Butler, 20, is an eczema sufferer always in search of the next ‘miracle fix’. From taking 42 tablets a day to elimination diets and allergy tests, this young Sydney woman tried everything to treat the severe eczema that covered her entire body, until finally she found a solution that she says cleared her eczema almost instantly.
“I feel amazing now! It’s just nice to have normal skin. It’s so ugly when it’s bad, it’s not pretty,” she says of the skin she’s battled with for years.

Madison Butler, 20, has found her miracle fix for the eczema that covers her entire body.
Madison has suffered from severe eczema for most of her life.
“I can remember having it pretty much always,” she tells Now To Love. “I played soccer as a kid and when I was probably seven or eight years old I remember in training having bleeding knuckles and itching and scratching them. I was always really embarrassed about it.”

Embarrassed and self-conscious, Madison would wear jumpers even in summer to cover her blotchy skin.
Self-conscious and aware of people’s stares and comments (“Oh, what’s that on your arms?”), Madison resorted to covering her skin in jumpers, even in summer.
“I was really embarrassed about my eczema. I was so self-conscious as a child and through high school because of it,” she admits.
At it’s worst, Madison says her eczema is red, weeping, dry and unbearably itchy.
“After I’d been asleep I would wake up with scratches on my body from itching. It was not a good time,” she says.

Before and after Madison found a way to manage her inflamed skin.
Like many eczema suffers, Madison had tried anything she could get her hands on to relieve the tormenting condition. She’s had her skin assessed by dermatologists, had allergy tests done, experimented with changes to her diet and trialed alternative medicines.
“I’d try anything to fix it. Back in primary school we had a friend who did Chinese medicine and who had a clinic. They had me taking 42 tablets a day, 21 in the morning and 21 at night,” she says.
“I’ve tried different diets, cutting out sugar, certain meats, but I couldn’t really pinpoint anything.”

After hearing about Australian skincare brand MooGoo, Madison was at first hesitant to try yet another ‘miracle’ product.
Earlier this year, Madison heard about a brand of Australian skincare called MooGoo, which had developed a cult-like following of eczema and psoriasis suffers.
“I was hesitant to try MooGoo because the amount of times I’d tried a new product, put it on and just broken out again put me off. But my mum got it for me so I gave it a go.”
Slide across to see the incredible difference!

In the shower, Madison used the Moogoo milk wash then applied Moogoo’s eczema and psoriasis cream.
“The next morning I grabbed my partner and said, feel my arms, feel my arms!” she recalls.
“After having eczema for more than 10 years, to wake up and it’s pretty much gone, I was beside myself.”

Madison now has the confidence to show her skin.
Madison uses Moogoo every night to keep her eczema under control. She’s also bought a whole suite of their products in case she suffers a particularity bad flare up.
“I’ve got so much more confidence now, I’m wearing short sleeves and singlets and not having to worry about people saying, ‘Oh what’s that on her skin?'” she says happily.
“Now I know if the eczema breaks out for whatever reason, I can go home and in use the cream and in an hour it will be under control again.”
Now with her eczema under control, Madison is happy to share her story in the hopes she might help someone find their skin confidence too.
While MooGoo worked for Madison, it may be as effective for all skin types. If you think you might have eczema, always speak to your GP or a dermatologist first.