Real Life

Ally Langdon reveals her traumatic experience giving birth

“They are so helpless, so defenceless and tiny”
Ally Langdon reveals her baby's trauma

60 Minutes star Ally Langdon has spoken for the first time about the traumatic experience she endured giving birth to her son Mack James Willesee in January.

Not only did she and husband Mike Willesee Jnr, son of TV legend Mike Willesee, go through the psychical and emotional trials of a 32-hour labour but when little Mack finally entered the world, he was pale and unresponsive.

In an exclusive and far-reaching interview published in this month’s The Australian Women’s Weekly Ally and Mike tell for the first time about the trauma of Mack’s birth.

“They [babies] are so helpless, so defenceless and tiny,” recalls Ally, 37. “And then they look up at you … the love that you feel for this little human being. I just wanted to hold him in my arms.”

Even so, she and Mike could only observe as little Mack lay in his crib in the hospital’s post natal care unit, with a lamp for warmth and tubes attached.

“I would wheel Ally into the special care nursery,” Mike, 49, told The Weekly. “And when she saw our baby lying there in his crib with a heating lamp and attached to an oxygen mask and feeding tubes, she would just burst into tears.”

To read the full story about Mack’s traumatic birth and Ally and Mike’s journey as first time parents, purchase a copy of the April issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, on newsstands now.

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