Australians embrace a cheeky ad, but there is a fine line between clever and crass, judging by the thousands of complaints lodged with the Advertising Standards Board this year, reports [])|target=”_blank”).
In the top 10 most highly complained about ads only one was actually found to have breached the code of ethics: the Ashley Madison jingle in which a man sings that he is “looking for someone other than my wife.” The other nine were dismissed and left on air.
The most common complaints were for Holden’s ad using the term “bloody caravaners,” Ashley Madison for “gender discrimination or vilification” and Fantastic Snack with their lip-licking being deemed as too “sexual.”
The most common complaint was due to “sex, sexuality or nudity” with “inappropriate language” coming in second place. Violence, gender discrimination and offending social values were also causes for concern.
Television advert featuring a man driving and complaining about “bloody caravaners”. Main issue of concern was “inappropriate language”, with 161 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert featuring men singing about “looking for someone other than my wife”. Main issue of concern was “gender discrimination or vilification”, with 138 complaints — upheld.
Television advert showing a wife licking Delites crackers flavouring from her husband’s lips. Main issue of concern was “sex, sexuality or nudity”, with 85 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert for Sofy BeFresh feminine hygiene products, featuring a woman in a variety of stereotypical scenarios related to having her period. Main issue of concern was “gender discrimination or vilification”, with 76 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert featuring a sweaty man wiping himself at the gym. Main issue of concern was social values, with 71 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert starring Rebel Wilson and referring to a cat as a “big pussy”. Main issue of concern was “sex, sexuality or nudity”, with 66 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert for Lynx hair care products, featuring two men kissing. Main issue of concern was “sex, sexuality or nudity”, with 62 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert showing a woman flicking her belt at a snake. Main issue of concern was “violence or cruelty to animals”, with 59 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert for Handee Ultra, featuring people saying “oh sheet”. Main issue of concern was “inappropriate language”, with 56 complaints — dismissed.
Television advert for women’s razors, featuring three women trimming bonsai plants in front of their crotches. Main issue of concern was “sex, sexuality or nudity”, with 53 complaints — dismissed.