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Guard of honour given to final 9/11 service dog

Rest in peace, beautiful Bretagne.
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Beautiful golden retriever Bretagne was one of the first responders at Ground Zero.

However, the 16-year-old hero was sadly put to sleep at a Texas veterinary hospital on Monday with her loving owner and handler Denise Corliss by her side.

But before that, she was given a guard of honour by a row of fire-fighters who stood to attention while she walked into the building.

“She was really anxious last night and she just wanted to be with me,” Denise told TODAY.

“So I laid down with her, right next to her. When she could feel me, she could settle down and go to sleep. I slept with her like that all night.”

Bretagne’s body was draped in the American flag and now, veterinary experts at Texas A&M University will study her body to see what effects Ground Zero had on her internal organs.

Not only did she help at Ground Zero but also during rescue efforts for hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Rite.

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