Local News

Dingo attempts to kidnap baby in WA

The animal bit her through her nappy and tried to drag her away.

A two-year-old girl has been bitten by a dingo in Western Australia’s Cape Leveque while her family were having a picnic on the beach.

The attack occurred on Friday evening while the Dwyer family were on holiday at the Kooljaman resort.

The animal stealthily crept up and tried to steal little Stella’s stuffed toy.

“[Stella] tried to crawl away and was crying and it just ran back in and grabbed her on the lower back and buttock,” 27-year-old Christine Dwyer told the ABC.

The animal actually bit through her nappy and punctured her skin, but no blood was drawn. “It tried to drag her backwards but it only got maybe six inches.”

Staff were close by when the incident occurred, and tried to shoo the animal away.

“They took us up to the nurses to make sure she didn’t need any tetanus injections or anything like that, and just clean up the little scratches and puncture wounds that she received through the nappy,” she continued.

It is understood that the dingo is the same one who’s been seen stealing rubbish for the local tip recently.

Christine said: “We were a little bit disappointed in the sense that if they’ve known that it’s been a nuisance for three months, why does it take for it to actually bite or attack before somebody acts?”

Traps were laid for the animal, and it is believed to be now destroyed.

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