Cassie Sainsbury will finally break her silence in an interview with 60 Minutes‘s Liam Bartlett this Sunday night.
It’s been five months since the 22-year-old from Adelaide was arrested when she was discovered with 5.8kgs of cocaine in her suitcase as she tried to fly home to Australia from El Dorado International Airport.
A new clip for the upcoming interview, shows Cassie being grilled by Bartlett inside El Buen Pastor women’s prison – you can watch above.
Cassie says: “Until people know completely what happened they shouldn’t be forming opinions.”
It also looks like the whole thing started in Cassie’s hometown of Adelaide – she has changed her story many times about how she ended up with the drugs but she looks to be revealing who the ‘kingpin’ in the drug cartel is.

The cocaine that was found in Cassie’s suitcase.
In a previous clip teasing the upcoming interview, Bartlett demanded of Sainsbury: “Whose idea was it? Whose idea was it to make a quick dollar out of carrying cocaine? How did you get here, who talked you into it?”.
It comes just a month after a judge rejected Cassie’s plea deal with Colombian prosecutors over drug smuggling charges.
Cassie agreed to reveal the identities of others in the drug ring to receive a lighter sentence of six years but today, the plea deal was officially rejected and she could be looking at 20-30 years in Colombian prison if she’s found guilty.
“In the name of the Republic, and by the law, decides not to approve the agreement held between the prosecutors and the accused, Cassandra Sainsbury, with the help of the person who takes her defence according to what was exposed before,” Judge Leon told a court in Bogota.
She claims she only agreed to smuggle 5.8kg of cocaine in her luggage after her family was threatened.
WATCH: Cassie Sainsbury is pictured smiling from behind bars. Post continues…
However, her plea deal was rejected as it conflicted with her initial statement and she’s now due to stand trial on 26 September. She faces a maximum of 30 years in Colombian jail if convicted.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said Sainsbury’s case should serve as another warning to Australians travelling overseas.
“People need to abide by the laws of that country. If not, they will face serious consequences,” he told Seven.
You can watch Cassie’s interview with 60 Minutes on September 24 at 8.30pm on Channel 9.