
The moment a koala SWIMS across creek will equally amaze and confuse you

Watching this video is like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs…
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First there was the snake that tapped on a car window, trying to hitch a ride in country New South Wales. Then there’s the kangaroo that literally beat the bajeezus out of a bloke who threatened to shoot him

And in news set to knock your socks off, it seems that koalas can now officially swim…

Ditching its home among the gum trees for, err, cooler pastures, this koala takes to South Australia’s Harriet River for a spot of doggy paddling, much to the amusement of impressed onlookers.

The hilariously cute clip, which was uploaded to Jas and Joes Long Road Home Facebook page, shows the koala chillin’ by the water’s edge before walking into the water and crossing the creek with confidence.

The cute koala pre-swim.

And whole Jas and Joe were obviously stunned watching the koala go for a dip, so too were their Facebook followers…

“Didn’t know koalas can swim, only sleep…” one person wrote. Another added: “I love the way he looked back as if to say, ‘Ain’t nobody seen a koala swim before?'”

Now if this isn’t a prime example of Australia’s unique native fauna, we don’t know what is…

This water-loving koala is just another Aussie animal that’s etched its way into our memories with its wild and wacky (and sometimes frightening…) way of living. Just weeks ago, Now To Love reported not one but FIVE instances of snakes hiding in kids’ schoolbags and lunchboxes, as well as in classroom ceilings (one snake even fell from the roof and smacked a child in the head!).

Can you spot the snake in this picture?

It’s official: these animals certainly come from the Land Down Under!

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