Sex & Relationships

Study reveals the most unfaithful star sign

An online dating website created by women has looked to the stars to determine which astrology sign is most likely to cheat.
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An online dating website created by women has looked to the stars to determine which astrology sign is most likely to be unfaithful.

The research, aptly titled Which star signs are the most unfaithful?, was conducted by Gleeden, a site which specialises in extramarital introductions.

The qualitative study looked at the data of more than two million of the sites members to see which zodiac signs were more likely to do the dirty on their partner.

Ranked at first place on the scoundrel scale is fire sign Sagittarius, with 16 per cent of Gleeden members born between November 23rd and December 21st.

The passionate and rebellious personality traits encompassed by this centaur sign supposedly means a Sag’s is more likely to fall into traps of temptation.

The second sneakiest sign is Gemini with 14 per cent of Gleeden members born between May 21st and June 21st.

While this zodiac apparently has a tendency to be very open-minded, their thrill-seeking nature means they can become easily bored and this could be problematic in relationships.

Gemini’s are also notorious smooth talkers which means they actually enjoy a good flirt and excel in the art of seduction.

And the third star sign most likely to be unfaithful is Aries, with 13 per cent of Gleenden members noting a birthday between March 20th and April 20th.

An Aries is a spontaneous and impulsive sign that loathes routine.

The findings suggest in order to to spice up their lives an Aries could turn on the charm for some extramarital action.

Diane Lane cheats on Richard Gere in the 2002 film Unfaithful.

(Credit: Supplied)

According to Gleeden’s members other notable signs partial to a bit of infidelity include Aquarians (12 per cent), Capricorns (nine per cent) and Cancers (eight per cent) whereas Virgos, Pisces and Scorpios were the least likely zodiacs to sign up to cheating on their partners.

The studies astrological expert, a Parisian based psychic with more than 20 years of experience, revealed that the finding aren’t too surprising if you know what to look for when it comes to a potential partners zodiac.

“Symbolically, it is interesting to see that the most unfaithful star signs belong to the same astrological group,” says the expert.

“Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries and Aquarius are called masculine signs: they are active and have an outgoing personality.”

Of the top three cheaters the expert concludes that they are “free spirits” and “very passionate” but warns that a star sign shouldn’t be all one takes into account when considering a future partner.

“People have very different views on life and therefore on fidelity and infidelity in relationships”.

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