
Jamie Oliver lets his children swear at Christmas

That's one way to get it out of their system!

We all remember the magic of Christmas as children, and the sense that the usual rules (for one day only) didn’t apply. We could get up as early as we liked (as long as we were quiet), feast on chocolate and tangerines for breakfast, wearing paper hats and generally being silly.

It’s no surprise that today’s parents are happy to relax the reins over the festive period, but we were rather shocked to hear what TV chef Jamie Oliver allows his children to do at Christmas. His five children, who range in age from 16-months to 15, are given leave to swear freely for one minute over the holiday.

Jamie and family.

The 42-year-old made the confession on The Russell Howard Hour this week, admitting he lets the children have a free-for-all potty mouthed session for 60 seconds at Christmas. He added that swearing is banned for the rest of the year, making this feel like a rather bizarre treat for his offspring. He also admitted that he enjoys swearing himself, but doesn’t approve of it from his kids.

Jamie has five children, Poppy, Daisy, Petal, Buddy and River with his wife Jools Oliver. He’s admitted to being shocked by some of the rude words that 7-year-old Buddy knows, in particular.

He also told Russell Howard that his festive feast is only open to immediate family, having previously cooked for groups of 30 and finding it ‘like work’. Understandable for a professional chef!

While the swearing only makes up a minute of the holiday, it does seem a rather peculiar tradition. Perhaps times have changed, but it’s not a habit we’ll be encouraging in our grandchildren.

And we can’t imagine swearing in front of our mothers on a religious holiday without getting our ears boxed!

Originally published on Yours UK.

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