
See Hilaria Baldwin’s body 24 hours after giving birth

“I want to do all I can to normalize a real body and promote healthy self esteem,” she posted.

Hilaria Baldwin, wife of Alec, just popped out a baby boy but already she’s posting selfies on Instagram – but the image (and many of the responses) are refreshing.

Because Hilaria may be a super-trim yoga guru living a wealthy lifestyle but her uterus acts just like every other woman’s after having a baby – it doesn’t shrink back over night.

And Hilaria’s uterus has grown three babies in three years.

Here’s her picture taken in the hospital bathroom 24 hours after giving birth to Leonardo Ángel Charles Baldwin.

She added a long caption to the image: “I took this yesterday when Leonardo was about 24 hours old. I did the same thing right after Rafael was born. It always makes me a bit nervous to do something like this, but I feel that in the age of such strong body shaming, I want to do all that I can to normalize a real body and promote healthy self esteem. Many of you know that I love to show the process of life’s experiences on the body and I am a firm believer in how a good diet and the right balance of exercise make us happy, healthy, and strong. So from here on, I want to dedicate the majority of my#366daysoflivingclearly #hilarialcm daily posts to getting back in shape and I invite you to do it with me.”

And then she provided some very honest responses to questions she received last time she posted a selfie 24 hours after giving birth (just a little over a year ago).

“Did I have a c section?: No, I pushed him out

Where are all the pads for bleeding?: I took them out briefly to snap this pic as there is a limit to how much you need to see.

Where am I?: in the hospital room bathroom #glamour

Oh, and no filter. Just brightened it up a bit.”

In the six hours since she posted this image, she’s received 8500-plus likes and more than 550 comments – and here’s the nice part, besides a couple of mean-spirited responses, most of the comments have been positive.

“You are Amazing & I want to Thank you for always being so HONEST & Open!!! You are beautiful from the inside out!!”

“You look great! Way to have three babies in three years! I’m impressed.”

“Bravo. Thank you. You’ve gained a new fan.”

“SO beautiful! I love how you share what’s real in a world where everything about women is criticized; “too fat”, “too skinny”, etc. Thank you for sharing!!”

Earlier Hilaria posted a beautiful video on Instagram introducing baby Leo to the rest of the brood, including Carmen, 3, and Rafael, 1.

“Leo’s siblings came to meet him today. Rafa is learning to be gentle so I couldn’t get a good shot of them together…he was fascinated with poking the baby’s eyes,” she captioned the Instagram video, using a cringe-face emoji to represent her son’s actions. “But here is Carmen….being such a good big sister

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