For the outside observer, dogs can be a relatively simple case.
A lick and a waggy tail means they’re happy, a growl and a snap means they’re not.
But don’t be fooled! Dogs are far more complex than a lot of people realise, so we’ve compiled this helpful list of things you need to read up on as a dog owner.
Whether you’re a long time dog owner, or whether you’re just now getting your first pup, there are some things that every dog lover should keep in mind.
Read on… some might surprise you!
1. Dogs reduce stress Forget stress balls and cups of tea, if you’re feeling a little under the pump; just give your dog a cuddle! Puppy cuddles are known to reduce anxiety and blood pressure – and they’re pretty cute!
2. They know when you are angry They might not do what you ask them to every time, but it’s not because they don’t know you’re cross! Dogs can tell by your body language and tone of voice if you’re angry with them, and they act accordingly (see: those adorable guilty faces)!
3. They know when you are happy Similarly, dogs can judge your body language and voice to know when you’re happy (so they can reveal that big hole they just dug…).
4. They know when you’re not well If your pooch is hanging around while you’ve got a cold, it’s because they can tell you’re unwell! Dogs can read your scent, and can definitely tell if you’ve caught a bug.
5. They can help get you healthy again But they can also help get you better again! A bacteria in dog’s saliva has been known to act as a probiotic, reduce allergic reactions and even boost your immune system! So if you’re really unwell, just get a smooch from your pooch.
6. Food is a pleasure, not a chore!
Dogs may gobble up anything in sight, but they do get sick of foods just like humans do! To keep your pup happy, invest in some good quality meals that come in a variety of flavours, like BENEFUL single serve Medley pouches.
7. Dogs have feelings, too Dogs are usually a happy-go-lucky sort, but they do have their own feelings! If your dog is quiet, withdrawn and shy, maybe they feel unwell or are hurt. If they’re giving you a serious guilty face, maybe you’re going to find one of your favourite pairs of shoes in pieces.
8. Don’t hug them Even though it can be tempting to give our canine friends cuddles, dogs see hugging (or placing your arm over their body) as a sign of dominance and they don’t generally like it.
9. Different strokes for different dogs! That being said, the perfect cuddles for pups is a gentle stroke from collar to tail. Don’t rough house them unless they initiate it! Dogs can be sensitive sometimes, and can see that as an act of aggression.
10. Dogs love you as much as you love them If the constant barrage of kisses, hugs and cuddles didn’t make it clear, your dog loves you as much as you love them! Dogs are known to form strong bonds with their humans and can always tell if you’re happy, sad, or in need of a little love.