We’ve rounded up 7 easy ways that you can not only help the environment but also save money!

Chilling compost scraps in the freezer can minimise odours.
(Credit: Getty)1. Upcycle wrappers
If your toilet paper comes in paper wrapping, why not try repurposing it as liners for your compost bucket? This simple step not only ensures easy and mess-free disposal but also contributes to reducing waste.
2. Gift outside the box
Wrap up memories, not things! Share the joy of experiences and consumables instead of random clutter. It’s a gifting revolution that keeps on giving.
3. Give your leftover wine a second life
Repurpose wine into vinegar. Simply pour the remaining wine into a glass jar, cover it with cheesecloth secured by a rubber band and let it sit in a warm place for two weeks. Once transformed, store the vinegar in a sealed bottle for your culinary endeavours.
4. Chill scraps
To minimise odours and prevent fruit flies, consider storing your compost scraps in the freezer. This smart approach not only keeps your kitchen more pleasant but also ensures that your composting efforts remain efficient.
5. Don’t toss stale bread
Give it a new life by making French toast, turning it into breadcrumbs using a food processor or adopting the latest trend by dampening it with water and popping in the oven.
6. Be water-wise
Save water by using a bucket to wash fruits and vegies, which you can then re-use for plant watering. Additionally, place a bucket in your shower to catch cold water as it warms up – perfect for plant care and cleaning.
7. Bring out the piggy bank
An oldie but a goodie – why not start a coin jar in your household for any cash you find lying around? Every couple of months, count how much money you’ve made and put this towards groceries or anything else you fancy.

Coin jars are an easy way to save money using any leftover cash.
(Credit: Getty)For more helpful info and advice on how to reduce waste in your home head to zerowastevictoria.org.au.