
Where you should travel to next, based on your star sign

It's your holiday horoscope.
What holiday you should take, based on your star sign

If you’ve been wondering where to spend your annual leave this year then rest that busy little mind of yours. Your zodiac character traits have determined which holiday would be best for you so just don’t think about it, just book your ticket and go. Trust us (and the stars), you’ll enjoy it.

Aries – New Zealand

The idea of sitting on a beach sipping on cocktails is no holiday for you. Oh no, you’d rather head up into the skies for hot-air ballooning, or zip up a life jacket for white water rafting which is why NZ is the place for you. You love excitement and adventure so the bigger risk and thrill, the better.

Cancer – Fiji

A bit of a homebody, when you do manage to pry yourself from your nest, rest and relaxation for you involves taking off to a place surrounded by water. For you the tropical laidback nature of Fiji will be the ultimate getaway, somewhere you can spend time with family or friends, but don’t feel obligated to go on countless adventures.

Leo – New York

First stop Broadway! You just love the hustle and bustle of a big city and it doesn’t get much bigger than New York City – it’s bustling, non-stop and the king of the urban jungles, just like you are. Bite off a piece of the Big Apple by hitting up a show in Times Square or tucking in to a big ol’ slice of NY cheesecake.

Libra – Paris

Book a ticket to France to check out one of the most romantic (and breathtakingly beautiful) cities of the world. Librans love to surround themselves with art and culture and the City of Lights has that in spades. Be sure to make your way to Monet’s Garden, it’s a short train journey out of the capital city but you’ll think it’s worth the effort.

Sagittarius – Peru

Constantly feeling like you want to be on the move, travel for you feeds the soul and is more about the experience of the journey than the destination. Hiking through the majestic wilderness to watch the sunrise over Machu Picchu is sure to feed your hunger that adventure and spirituality.

Scorpio – Japan

A fan of intriguing locations, the bright lights and high-tech buzz of Tokyo coupled with the old-world charm of smaller cities such as Kyoto, will be the ideal destination for you. Armed with a jam-packed itinerary, you won’t stop until you’ve seen and experienced everything the country has to offer – that includes going off the beaten track to meet new people and do new things.

Capricorn – Germany

Structure and rules are important to you – just as they are in Deutschland. This is one place where your itinerary, which is no doubt nutted out down to 30 minute timeslots – won’t be laughed at. You’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you tick of everything on your list too – from the Berlin Wall to the Cologne Cathedral – so it’s the most amazing trip. You’re all about jam-packed quality holidays more than lots of doing-nothing-but-relaxing mini breaks.

Aquarius – Istanbul

The free-spirited nature of Bohemian Turkey is something that’s right up your alley. The Grand Bazaar, in the heart of Istanbul, is one activity you just cannot miss. From wandering through the colourful aisles of spices to starring up at the dazzling glass lanterns – you’re bound to be in your element.

Taurus – Norway

As Earth sign, holidays for you are all surrounding yourself with nature’s beauty. And what better way to do so than to see Mother Earth is all her glory, showing off her thing with an amazing skyshow known as the Northern Lights. Although there are many place you can witness this spectacle, being situated above the Arctic Circle makes Tromsø one of the best places to see the stunning auroras.

Gemini – Russia

Make your way to Moscow then hop on the The Trans-Siberian Railway. This expansive train journey passes through not just one but three countries (Russia, China and Mongolia) which will suit Geminis – lovers of variety – just fine. That’s three different languages and three different cuisines you’ll experience, so you certainly won’t be bored – something you hate! You’ll also get to meet plenty of new and interesting people while en route and exploring which will satisfy your need to socialise.

Virgo – America

Fly into LA then book a car and make your way down Route 66 – all the way across the US of A – to Chicago, stopping at all the highlights (and even lesser-known highlights) while en route – from the Cadillac Ranch to Shea’s Gas Station Museum. As the organisers of the Zodiac, you’ll have the whole road trip meticulously planned so you don’t miss a single thing – including a quick detour out to Graceland – home of Elvis – and the Grand Canyon.

Pisces – Hawaii

Aloha! Time to recharge means time away from people for you. Skip the bustling tourist trap of Waikiki Beach and instead head to the island Maui. It’s a little more laidback which will suit your need to really escape. Aside from the expansive beaches, you can go whale watching or hike the impressive trails to find your zen. Many enviable Instagram pictures guaranteed.

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