
The best jobs for retirees

You probably never thought you'd want to work again when you retired, but life doesn't always work out that way.
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When you got your first job as a teenager, the allure of extra pocket money was a thrill. Then, somewhere along the line, you realised that you had to do this whole “work” thing for the rest of your adult life and it was only the sweet promise of retirement that kept you going.

The funny thing about retirement is, however, it’s not always everything it promised to be. It might be that you have too much life on the other side of retirement and you’re starting to feel the pinch, or maybe you miss that buzz from being busy and always on the go.

Whatever it is, an increasing amount of Australians are looking for part time jobs as retirees. We spoke to career coach Simon Bennett to hear about what to look out for as a retired worker.

Consider your lifestyle

Before you start your job search, Simon says it’s important to take 
a step back and think about what type of lifestyle you want.

Create a budget for all the things you’d like to do and then work out how much money you’ll need to maintain it – is it achievable or is there a shortfall?

“Doing this will give you some insight into the type of work – and how much of it – you’ll need to do 
to achieve your goals,” Simon says.

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Start with 
what you know

If you already have a skill and enjoy using it, Simon recommends taking 
full advantage of it. “It doesn’t matter what it is, there’s probably a market 
for it somewhere,” he says.

Suzanne used to work as a journalist before moving into public relations, 
so she had public speaking experience. “I wanted to find a job where I could combine my skills,” she says.

“Retirement is meant to be the best years of your life, so it was important 
I did something I enjoyed but was also comfortable with.”

It wasn’t until she performed the eulogy at her dad’s funeral that Suzanne realised she wanted to become a funeral celebrant. “It’s not that I overly enjoyed the job as such but rather it gave me 
a sense of satisfaction,” she explains.

“The combination of my skills 
in journalism and presenting means 
it doesn’t feel like a job. Plus it gives 
me an opportunity to meet new people.”

Find your 
second career

Retirement is the perfect opportunity to try something new – especially if you have a burgeoning passion. Whether it’s baking cookies on the weekend, playing a musical instrument or making your own clothes, turn that hobby into a little money-spinner.

“While it’s never going to replace 
a full-time income, if you’re excited about your hobby you can make some decent money from it,” Simon reveals.

Suzanne adds it’s about looking at your past career and what you like, and finding out how these aspects can be applied to a new job.

“If you’re doing something you love and you’re willing to persevere at it then everything else seems to fall into place,” she says.

with everyone

Ease your way into your job search by starting with contacts you already have.

“A lot of people tend to target large chain employers such as Bunnings and Woolies and, while that’s fine, everyone else is applying there. So it makes 
it difficult to stand out from the 
crowd,” Simon explains.

It’s better to look around your local neighbourhood and target smaller businesses because they don’t have hundreds of people applying for the same position.

“If it’s a small family retail business and you know the owners, you’re already halfway there,” he says.

Lollipop Lady

The interaction with chirpy, energetic children along with the fresh air makes this job a great choice for retirees.

“It’s nice to work outside, especially if you’ve spent the past 35 years in an office,” Simon says.

The appreciation from families can also bring about a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing they’re grateful for your presence.

What it pays: $25 per hour.


If you’ve got admin skills from a previous career, put them to good use by taking on clerical work. “Skills and experience from your work history are valuable and transferable,” Simon says.

It will help you stand out and slip straight into your new role. It also keeps your mind active while you earn extra money to put towards something nice.

What it pays: $27 per hour.

Walking Postie

Combine the outdoors with exercise and serve the community at the same time.

“It’s incidental exercise, which is great for the body and mind. It can also be quite social,” Simon explains.

It gets you out of the house and it’s a wonderful way to meet fellow retirees.

What it pays: $22 per hour.

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