What do you think really motivates people to leave vitriolic, hate-filled comments on celebrities’ social media?
Surely it’s not because they think people like Mariah Carey, with 5.9 million followers on Instagram and a net worth of $520 million, care what they have to say, is it?
WATCH: 9 of Mimi’s most iconic headlines.
And to be honest we are fed up with people commenting on how Mariah, who is set to bring her #1s Tour to Australia and New Zealand in February, looks – namely, the comparison between how her body appears at 48 and 28.

This comes after the Daily Mail assumedly reported that Mimi and her ex, James Packer, have ditched “their wedding diets” because they have both put on weight since breaking up earlier this year.
The one line that fills us with unrelenting rage?
The once-tiny Mariah has continued to show off her body in all its glory; consequently making it even more obvious that she has piled on the pounds.
Not only that, but the barrage of unwarranted hate followed made us spit out way too many profanities to count.
“She is carrying around another man baby in he stomach. What a gross looking person…” one person wrote.
Another, shockingly, agreed, adding: “Diet please! Urgent! Do it for your fans!”

And you know what’s heartbreaking? Earlier this week, Mimi admitted that she actually isn’t as confident as she appears (LIKE ALL OF US).
“I just feel like I am a regular human being and I deserve the same respect as anybody else,” she told Page Six.
“I have always had low self-esteem, and people do not recognise that.”

Oh, hey 37-year-old, kidless Mimi…

This photo was taken 11 years and two children AFTER the one above. And Mimi literally looks just as, or even more, glamorous than ever before.
This comes just three weeks after Mimi uploaded a photo of her and her boyfriend Bryan Tanaka living their best life and it was promptly inundated with vicious comments attacking her weight and the way she dresses.
One wrote, “Mariah, you need to lose some weight cause your starting to look like a whale”, while multiple people told her to “stop eating so much”.
One delightful human being told her to “cover those airbags , you’re not young anymore it”s gros (sic)”.
“Stop eating so much woman! Also. Stop drinking too much alcohol. You look like Jenni Rivera,” who, for the record, was also an absolutely stunning woman so this must be some kind of warped compliment.
Quite a few went for the backhanded compliment route, telling her she looked happy but to stop eating like a pig.

Others acted like they were giving her genuine advice, which a millionaire most definitely needs from a random online commenter so that makes sense.
These comments are so awful because so many of them are focussed on the fact Mariah isn’t 20 anymore and therefore doesn’t have the body of one.
People age and, this may surprise the trolls on her page, but it isn’t Mariah’s responsibility to look the way someone else deems fit.
On a more adorable note, the photo was taken just after Mimi’s performance in Vegas where her twins Morocco and Monroe got on stage to sing.
They were a little bit shyer than their superstar mum, but they wowed the stage anyway.