
Lose 6 kilograms in 4 weeks: Scientists invent weight-loss injection that actually works

The injection has been hailed as "the most exciting" obesity treatment yet.
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In news that sounds almost too good to be true, scientists have developed a weight-loss injection that actually works. In fact, it’s so effective that during the trials the injection helped people lose up to six kilograms in just four weeks.

The groundbreaking hormone injection was developed by researchers at Imperial College in London. When injected, the hormones in the jab make people naturally want to eat less, causing them to drop weight quickly.

“The sensation is like after you have eaten a big meal and you feel really full.”

“The sensation is like after you have eaten a big meal and you feel really full,” explains Sir Steve Bloom, a professor who led the research.

Professor Bloom adds, the treatment was so successful in some patients with diabetes that they were able to come off their medication.

“What’s even more exciting is that we are able to normalise blood sugar levels and they can come off diabetes medications.”

The injection mimics the effects of a gastric band and has been hailed as “the most exciting” obesity treatment yet.

Experts at Imperial College London are currently completing human trials, and Professor Bloom is hopeful the therapy will be available within five years as a painless monthly injection.

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