I want to preface this by saying I had never watched the Texan football drama Friday Night Lights up until about a month ago. Sure, I’d heard of the show and people’s love (read: obsession) for Tim Riggins. I was well aware who Taylor Kitsch was (I loved him in Battleship and Savages) but it turns out, I was missing out on SO MUCH MORE.

^^ Damn, Riggins, where have you been all my life?
When Stan dropped the whole series onto its streaming service late last year, I knew it was about bloody time for me to finally get up to speed on the Riggins Train. While I’m only two seasons deep right now, I thought a Riggins appreciation post was relevant. Because, thanks to the internet, the Panthers fullback will live in our hearts forever.
That face
The long hair, the long lashes, the cheeky smirk… They’ll get you every. Single. Time.

He doesn’t try to be anyone else
The rebellious teen knows he’s got issues (his alcoholism, for one) but he’s not ashamed of it. He’s a simple man who likes beer, football, girls and Texas, and that was never going to change. Sure, he’s not the best student and he drinks too much but there’s something about his quiet confidence that wins everyone over.

He’s ridiculously loyal
Riggins has done a whole lot of crappy things in his past but it’s his loyalty to his friends and family that never wavers. Just like the time he stopped Jason from having experimental spine surgery in Mexico, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones.

He’s protective
When Julie got super drunk at a party and a guy wanted to make a move on her anyway, Riggins jumped in and put an end to it. He also shielded Julie when a tornado ripped through Dillon, just scraping the convenience store they were hiding in.

He’s hilarious
Riggins really doesn’t try to be the funny guy but his sense of humour in the most dire situations is always welcomed. Plus, any guy who’s willing to jump into a cheerleading costume to bring the laughs is fine by us.

He’s willing to show his vulnerability
Just when you think you know the Panthers star, he goes and confesses his true feelings for Lyla Garrity (Minka Kelly) or visits Coach Taylor’s (Kyle Chandler) house to get some guidance on life. The kid’s like an onion – he has a million layers you just want to peel away to get to the core.