Reality TV

The Travel Guides Kevin Moloney and Janetta Stones pack their bags for the final time this season

One last lap.
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When Kevin Moloney and Janetta Stones began their Travel Guides journey, they never imagined they would still be on the show six seasons, 55 episodes and 16 equivalent months of travel later.

Now, the self-proclaimed “travel snobs” can’t wait to pack their bags for their next adventure.

The final pit stops of the 2023 season are close.

(Image: Supplied)

“As long as we’re fit and healthy, we want to do Travel Guides,” Kevin, 65, and Janetta, 71, agree. “It’s the best gig in the world.”

The final pit stops of the 2023 season are close to home for the Victorian-based pair, being a week-long holiday in Melbourne, followed by a trip to Phillip Island, 90 minutes from the city.

The guides take in the Southern Hemisphere’s biggest sporting event – the Australian Open – take a trip to comedy club The Rubber Chicken, and get a taste of performance driving at The BMW M Driving Experience.

“As long as we’re fit and healthy.”

(Image: Instagram)

Being the oldest of the cast, Kevin and Janetta have found the Travel Guides experience has helped keep them young.

“We learn all sorts of new jargon and swear words,” Janetta says with a laugh.

Also keeping them on their toes is not knowing where they’re going until they get to the airport.

“We get a packing list and a temperature guide,” Janetta explains, Kevin adding, “We play a great game of ‘Where the hell are we going?'”

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And what do they attribute the immense success of the show to? That would be its authenticity due to the cast being “100 per cent honest”.

“We realise the responsibility to the audience to be truthful, and if that means preferring business class, five-star hotels and not liking buffets, we have to [say that],” Kevin declares.

“We have no reason to sleep outside or under a million stars: five stars is enough for us!”

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