Reality TV

Jett Kenny and Lily Cornish’s emotional farewell on Dancing With The Stars

Is this the end for the show's golden couple?
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They are Dancing With The Stars’ golden couple, with their undeniable chemistry sending the rumour mill into overdrive.

But now Jett Kenny and Lily Cornish will have to see if their onscreen connection can last in the wild, after the gorgeous duo were voted off DWTS on Monday night.

Ever since their debut, Jett and Lily have fired up our TV screens with their smoking hot bodies and cute chemistry, leading viewers to speculate about whether the couple’s sizzling connection was all for show, or actually the real deal.

While the pair have yet to officially confirm or deny anything, their chemistry even upon defeat was clear for all to see on Monday night.

“I couldn’t be prouder of you Jett. You’ve just been amazing and I’m so lucky to have worked with you,” Lily said to Jett after they were eliminated.

“I’ve had some really good times,” Jett agreed.

“Lily has … we’ve had our ups and our downs and wanted to kill one another, but we’ve made it to the semi finals and at the start it was getting through week by week, so for her to get me here is a big feat.”

READ NEXT: All the couples who hooked up on DWTS

Jett and Lily fired up the dance floor with their chemistry. (Image: Channel 10)

How could you not with those abs?! (Image: Channel 10)

From the get-go, it was clear that Jett was head over heels for Lily.

At the beginning of the competition, the judges wanted him to be more “sexy” and get his groove on.

The pair really took on board the judges’ feedback – which was to enhance Jett’s natural sexiness.

“Jet’s really sexy, that’s obvious,” Lily said. “What he needs from me now is to transfer that to the dancefloor.”

While Jett said being sexy is hard to “just switch on”, dancing alongside Lily certainly isn’t a tough gig.

“Really, she’s gorgeous for starters. I remember the first day I walked in and met her, it was sort of like ‘Wow! There’s this gorgeous girl just standing in front of me’,” Jett said.

“There are times when we get close in some lifts or some holds or something like that and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a spark.”

One of the loved-up posts of the couple on Instagram. (Image: @jertkenny/Instagram)

The way he looks at her! (Image: @jertkenny/Instagram)

The pair certainly haven’t been shy about posting cute snaps of each other on Instagram too, despite the fact that Lily has a boyfriend.

A little look through Lily’s Instagram account reveals as recently as late January, she was posting photos with her long-term boyfriend, Jock White.

When contacted by Now To Love to confirm if she was still in a relationship, Lily refused to comment.

But Jock told The Daily Telegraph in March that he and Lily were “still together.”

WATCH BELOW: See Jett and Lily’s amazing chemistry on Dancing With The Stars. Story continues after video.

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When asked why Jett and Lily’s connection was being promoted by Channel 10, Jock said: “I understand it’s just all part of the act.”

The pair and currently doing long distance and hoped to reconnect after the show finished.

“Currently I’m busy with my studies so we just make the most of things when we get to see each other,” Jock said.

“Last year we were apart most of the year but spent three months together doing environmental conservation work in the Amazon jungle which was an excellent experience. We plan to do a similar thing later this year,” he said.

We’ll keep you posted with details on exactly how this love triangle plays out!

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