Reality TV

EXCLUSIVE: Cassandra Thorburn announces brand-new TV gig

Just as her time on one show ends, she's off to the next one!
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Journalist Cassandra Thorburn might have been voted off Dancing With The Stars on Monday night, but she certainly isn’t sobbing into her sequins about her early exit.

The children’s author is in fact celebrating her bright new future, thanks to a brand-new gig on Channel 10’s morning show Studio 10.

“I’m doing some stuff with Studio 10 until the end of the year, going on about once a week,” Cass told the Australian Women’s Weekly in an exclusive exit interview fresh from last night’s eviction.

“That will be great,” she said.

Cass is returning to her broadcast roots, having previously worked as a television producer prior to meeting her ex-husband and father of her children, Karl Stefanovic.

The pair have three children together, Jackson, 19, Ava, 13, and River, 12.

READ NEXT: Meet the entire cast of Dancing With The Stars 2019

Cass and her DWTS partner Marco. (Image: Channel 10)

The 47-year-old says it “wasn’t a shock” that she left DWTS so soon, especially after brutal feedback repeatedly from the judges.

“I wasn’t doing particularly well, but that’s OK, I gave it a go,” Cass explained to The Weekly.

“Getting out there that first night, I was really struggling with stage fright. It was really challenging. You’re doing something that’s completely out of your comfort zone and something I wasn’t particularly good at.”

“But I got far more out of it than I expected to, especially mentally and at an emotional level.”

READ NEXT: Meet Cass Thorburn’s sexy Italian dance partner

Cass and Marco on Latin night. (Image: Channel 10)

The duo chatting to hosts Amanda Keller and Grant Denyer following their elimination. (Image: Channel 10)

Cass rocked some amazing looks on the show, including these sequin hotpants. (Image: Channel 10)

Her debut performance. (Image: Channel 10)

While Cass knew appearing on the show was going to be a challenge, what she didn’t expect was that she’d form such amazing connections with her fellow celebrity contestants and their co-dancers, including her own dance partner Marco.

The talented Italian 24-year-old has supported Cass wholeheartedly throughout her time on the show. He even jumped to her defence last week, when judge Craig Revel Horwood slammed her dancing skills.

Cass says the pair will definitely remain in touch following the show.

“We’re going to keep in touch, aren’t we Marco?” Cass said to her dance partner. “You’re spending a lot of time with someone, you get to know them pretty well.”

And it’s not just the dashing Marco that Cass has forged a deep connection with – her co-stars have become fast friends too.

“Only they know what you’re going through,” she said of her fellow contestants.

“It’s quite a unique experience and everyone is having similar feelings. You’re all going through it together and we have a shared experience. It does bring you together.”

Watch Below: Cassandra Thorburn’s final performance on DWTS

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We certainly weren’t the only ones to notice Cassandra’s amazing figure on display in those gorgeous dance outfits.

Dancing With The Stars viewers couldn’t help but comment on her “legs for days”, which she credits to her intense dance rehearsal schedule.

“We were rehearsing seven days a week and we were dance training for five or six hours a day. It’s a lot. It was exhausting,” she said.

When asked if she had lost any weight from her new fitness regimen, she said: “Maybe I lost a little bit of weight, but it was mainly about toning. Your body shape changes when you get fit like a dancer. It really is good for the body. It was a positive side effect of all that training.”

READ NEXT: Cassandra Thorburn on “My new life without Karl”

Cass debuted a new look on DWTS. (Image: Instagram)

Cassandra’s well-publicised divorce from former Today Show host Karl Stefanovic has become a story so many Australian women identify with.

Her time on DWTS was seen as a return to form for a woman lived in the shadow of a man for so long – and she’s been inundated with messages of love and support from ladies just like her.

“It was really nice to get that support,” Cass said.

“Just saying that what you’re doing is brave or what you’re doing is inspirational. It’s nice to hear that from people.”

Karl Stefanovic and Cass Thorburn were married for 21 years. (Image: Getty)

She hopes to inspire more women to take a leap of faith and try something new.

“If one person sitting on the couch experiencing something similar to me decided to get up and challenged themselves, or do something they thought they couldn’t do, if that was the message [I sent] then I’d be happy.”

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