A lot goes on in the Big Brother house. But with a single episode covering several days of action, many scenes get left on the cutting-room floor.
Here’s the real behind-the-scenes gossip.

While everyone got along in the house, Christina and Jess certainly weren’t friends.
(Credit: Channel Seven)Feuding housemates
Although everyone seemed to get along in the house, some people just didn’t gel.
“Christina and Jess didn’t get on ,” Adriana, 53, tells TV WEEK.
“They both wanted each other out.”
SJ and Mitch were another pair who failed to see eye-to-eye.

Mary has some serious skills in the kitchen but her prowess frightened some of the other housemates off!
(Credit: Channel Seven)Kitchen nightmares
House mama Mary was always creating delicious dinners and treats for the housemates, but wasn’t the only one wanting to cook up a storm.
Adriana and former chef Brenton wanted to help out, but felt they were stepping on Mary’s (above) toes in the kitchen.
“Mary was the Mafia boss in the kitchen,” Adriana says. “I felt too afraid to go in and cook, because it was her domain.”

They may be in two different alliances, but Tilly and Marley’s friendship is life-long.
(Credit: Channel Seven)Undercover friendship
Despite being involved in opposing alliances, Tilly and Marley were secretly very close.
“Mine and Tilly’s was a powerful secret friendship in the house,” Marley, 26, declares.
“You don’t get to see it, but my best friend in the house is Marley,” the 21-year-old says.
“If I had to be stuck on an island with someone for the rest of my life, it would be him.”

You can tell these two are up to something!
(Credit: Channel Seven)Ice-cream bandits
Having to live on rations week in, week out, the housemates took the sweets very seriously.
“A kitchen patrol would watch the kitchen every minute of the day to ensure things were kept fair,” Christina, 22, explains.
Despite the patrol, the housemates still managed to secretly stash lollies and chocolate. One day, Christina and Ari got so bored of being on patrol, they hatched a plan.
“I handed Ari the chocolate sauce to go and hide in the cave, while I commando-crawled to the freezer to grab the ice-cream tub,” she says.
“We ate it in peace so we wouldn’t cop a lecture about being greedy.”