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Bachelor in Paradise bombshells: What they won’t show you on TV!

Our sizzling singletons took the phrase ‘fun in the sun’ a little too seriously...
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Australia’s first season of Bachelor in Paradise is set to be the steamiest (and most dramatic) series on TV, with host Osher Gunsberg hinting, “Everyone is smoking hot and they are all single – you do the maths.”

Hmmm, while that’s good advice from our man Osh, we decided to leave our calculators in our desk drawers and instead start sniffing around for the real goss from the series – and guess what we found?

Bombshells, like bed-hopping and girlfriend-swapping, and antics so X-rated (including one, er, incident with a kettle!) that producers were forced to erase them forever! Uh-huh, what happens in Fiji doesn’t stay in Fiji when NW] is around!

Pour yourselves a cocktail, dear readers, because you’re about to learn what really goes down when the sun sets in Paradise… And it ain’t always pretty!

Everyone had sex!

We’re surprised there were any clean sheets left in Paradise, as NW‘s on-set source tells us that there was a lot of lovin’ on the island!

“Pretty much all the couples did it,” the source spills to NW.

“Filming happened during rainy season, so there was a lot of downtime where there was nothing else to do but have sex.”

And with most of our lovers knowing the show would be edited to appear “family friendly”, they weren’t worried about getting down and dirty with all the cameras around.

“Everyone in the cast was pretty confident that nothing more than PG-rated would ever make it to air,” the source adds. “So they just went for it!”

Er, there’s not an “up-late” version, is there?!

Davey’s dirty deed!

Poor Davey Lloyd! The cutie was obviously very, er, frustrated during his time in Fiji, because things got so X-rated one night after filming wrapped that he, er, put his penis in the kitchen kettle.

Nope, we’re not joking! An on-set spy tells NW, “It was so hilarious and weird.” And also kinda unhygienic? “Some of the girls joked they’d brought sex toys so I guess this was Davey improvising with his own.”

Oh, and if you thought he was embarrassed about the incident, think again! When co-star Jake shared a recent Insta post about having flashbacks from Paradise, Davey replied, “Of me and a kettle?”

Remind us to never ask for cream with our coffee around this fella!

Nikki’s back!

The casting fairies in Fiji have delivered gold, with news that everyone’s all-time favourite Bachelorette Nikki Gogan will return for a second shot at love on Bachelor in Paradise.

“It’s the biggest surprise of the series,” spills our spy.

“No-one expected her to say yes after what happened with Richie [Strahan].”

According to insiders, producers worked overtime to win Nikki over, throwing huge paychecks at her and basically grovelling.

“They knew it wouldn’t be easy – her heart was put through the ringer last time when Richie dumped her in the finale,” adds the source. “She had serious trust issues.”

But it’s all water under the bridge now that Nik’s back on the scene. The question now is, who the hell will she shack up with?

Michael walks out!


It’s said to be second time unlucky for Michael Turnbull!

According to on-set sources, Micky throws in the towel early on in the series because he’s “fed up with all the drama.”

“He had a major meltdown and just had enough,” says our source.

“Despite being interested in a few girls like Laurina [Fleure] and Tara [Pavlovic], he was set up on a date with Keira [Maguire], who he doesn’t even get on with at all.”

“It was too much for him and he felt he deserved better, so he packed his s**t and stormed out.”

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