They’re known for their infectious spirit and love of adventure on Travel Guides Australia but when they’re not exploring the wonders of the world, Matt and Brett say they have the same domestic squabbles as the rest of us!
“Matt uses every saucepan, every spoon, everything that we have in the kitchen just to cook something simple,” Brett shares.
Matt says with a laugh, “Brett’s a clean-as-you-go kind of guy. But that’s the raw end of the deal for me because I could be still washing up my mess till midnight, while Brett just decided to make a simple cheese on toast.”

But despite the occasional bit of bickering, the couple say they couldn’t be happier, and they are exactly who you see on TV.
“We are not actors, so what you see is what everyone gets,” says Matt.
Together for 22 years, Brett, 51, says he didn’t think Matt, 45, was ‘The One’ when they first met. “We met in 2002,” Matt explains. “I was working in Nelson Bay and Brett’s parents had a holiday house close by. We had some mutual friends who introduced us, and we started off as friends.”

Brett continues, “I kind of didn’t really see Matt as boyfriend material until he quit his job and moved to Sydney and I started thinking, ‘Oh my God, what’s going to happen now? I’ll never get to see him again!’ And that’s when I realised that I don’t think I could have coped with him moving away. I’m glad he moved back.”
As for what they do when they’re not travelling, “We’re planning our next trip!” For the couple, their trip to France this season was the “piece de resistance”.
And they say they have fellow Travel Guides stars Kevin and Janetta to thank for making sure they always appreciate just how lucky they are.
Matt and Brett tied the knot in New Zealand about seven years ago. Unsurprisingly, the two consider themselves “super social” and will strike up a conversation with anyone.
As ‘the voice of reason’ in the Travel Guides crew, they are keen on being moderately active during the day and enjoying cocktails at night.

That said, the pair admit to loving coffee culture, shopping, kayaking, karaoke, bushwalks, cruises and nice meals are some of their favourite things. But they prefer to pass on high-adrenaline activities.
Matt works for a local council and considers himself “high energy” and “very motivated”. While Brett is a primary school teacher who loves “rocking Hawaiian shirts, jean shorts, and crocs”.
They couple are self-proclaimed animal lovers (“especially dogs”) and are always on the hunt for a good bargain!