
Queen Elizabeth was suffering with bone cancer before her death

''She was clearly suffering.''
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An official royal biographer has revealed that the late Queen Elizabeth II ”suffered in silence”, keeping her battle with bone cancer private in the final few years of her life.

The former monarch passed away peacefully in September this year due to ”old age”, according to her death certificate, but with this new health news coming to light, we can’t help wondering if other health conditions were at play.

Writing in his brand new book Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait, British author Gyles Brandreth sensationally claimed that the Queen suffered greatly and was in ”excruciating pain” in her final years as she battled cancer alone.

The Queen alledgedly suffered a private battle with bone cancer in the final years of her life.

(IMAGE: Getty)

Given his claims significant weight is the fact that Gyles was a ”dear friend” of the late Prince Phillip before his passing in 2021 and had met with the former monarch on several occasions over the years.

”I had heard that the Queen had a form of myeloma – bone marrow cancer – which would explain her tiredness and weight loss and those ‘mobility issues’ we were often told about during the last year or so of her life,” he wrote.

”The most common symptom of myeloma is bone pain, especially in the pelvis and lower back, and multiple myeloma is a disease that often affects the elderly.

”Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment – including medicines to help regulate the immune system and drugs that help prevent the weakening of the bones – can reduce the severity of its symptoms and extend the patient’s survival by months or two to three years.”

The official cause of death for Queen Elizabeth II was old age. The former monarch passed away peacefully at the age of 96 in September.

(Getty: Instagram)

In response to these sensational claims, longtime Sunrise royal editor Rob Johnson said it was” quite upsetting” to hear how the Queen suffered in her final years.

”The reality is that rumour was going around for a long time in the build up and decline of the Queen.

”She was clearly suffering in that build-up.”

By ”build up”, Now to Love can assume Rob meant her passing away.

”I think even Brandreth himself wrote that [cancer] was what he heard, he’s not actually saying it was definite.

”But the details were swirling around for a very long time and that was one of the main things that was recurring.”

Now to Love would like to note that Buckingham Palace has yet to address the speculation.

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