Celebrity News

Why can’t we let Rupert and Jerry be happy?

You're all so cynical! Good luck to them! Romance is sweet.

Rupert Murdoch is engaged to Jerry Hall, and Twitter is having a field day.

He’s so old!

She’s so young, at least by comparison!

Why would she be interested? Oh, right, I can think of at least a billion reasons!

Also, how furious must the Murdoch kids – Prudence, Lachlan, James, Elizabeth, Chloe and Grace – be?

Just when they thought the inheritance was all worked out, Dad goes and adds four more kids, and a new, much younger wife!

To which I say: you’re all so cynical. You’re all terrible, Muriel.

Good luck to them! Romance is sweet, and the best bit, surely, how they announced the engagement in the Births, Deaths and Marriages column in the Times, which Rupert owns, and not on social media, because, hey, there’s still plenty of life in print!

Also, Content Is King!

Besides being a cracking exclusive for Rupert’s own paper, it was also something of a shock, because Rupert and Jerry attended the Golden Globes last night, with his son Lachlan, and Lachlan’s wife, Sarah, and Jerry looked glam, but did not have a block of ice on her finger.

Jerry – described as Miss Jerry Hall in the engagement notice because she was never, mercifully, actually married to Mick Jagger – smoked throughout the evening. Rupert’s an ex-smoker, but he apparently didn’t mind because, at least according to the Times, he’s smitten.

Jerry is due in Australia later this year, to play Mrs Robinson in The Graduate, where she plays the older woman, seducing a much younger man.

The couple have 10 children between them.

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