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NW EXCLUSIVE: Sam Wood and Snezana Markoski tell all on the first Bachie bub

They’ve put their Italian wedding plans on hold to focus on their soon-to-be family of four.
Sam Wood Snezana Markoski baby

OK, so meeting your future wife and the mother of your child on a dating show isn’t exactly how our grandparents would have gone about it back in the day, but hey, this is 2017 – the era of dating apps, social media and sharing everything with the world.

And besides, sometimes the stars just align for two people, albeit in unconventional ways.

Which brings us to 2015 Bachelor star Sam Wood and his chosen one Snezana Markoski.

Last week the engaged pair revealed they’re expecting their first child together – a baby girl and a little sister for Snez’s daughter Eve, 12.

Now, in their first interview post-announcement, the excited couple sit down with NW at their gorge Melbourne home – where we spy the ultrasound on the fridge! – to chat all things babies…

Congrats, you two! Snez, let’s start from the get-go – when did you find out you were pregnant?

Snez: It was a few months ago, I think we were about eightish weeks pregnant. It was a bit of a surprise.

We obviously wanted to try and extend our family, but because we were set on planning the wedding and getting that done, we thought, “Let’s just have the wedding first and then get back to trying for a baby.”

But then I started to feel really tired and nauseous, so I thought, “Something’s up.”

So this was more a pleasant surprise than a planned thing?

Sam: [Laughs] It was semi-planned… It was all around the wedding, kind of that we’d love to have kids, but we also want to get married and then have more kids.

So we went to Europe and we found a tentative venue on the Amalfi Coast, and I said to Snez, “I bet you as soon as we find something and pick a date, you’ll get pregnant.” And, sure enough, she did.


Sam, you’ve been a real father figure to Eve. Has having her in your life made you cluckier?

Sam: I’ve always wanted to have kids, to be honest. I love kids, I love working with kids, as I’ve done in my career – I am a big kid! So maybe Eve being in my life has just reinforced that.

Snez, did watching how Sam is with Eve make you think about having another bub?

Snez: I actually wasn’t planning on having any more. I was happy with the beautiful little girl that I have… But then I met Sam and things changed.

I don’t know if it made me feel cluckier, but it was good to see his gentle side and how great he is with kids, which does make you think, “Oh, it would be nice to see what he’s like with a baby.”

I mean, Eve is basically grown, so he hasn’t done the whole nappy-changing and everything! So it will be great to see what he’s like in that department…

Over to you, Sam…

Sam: It’ll be a whole new ball game! I’ve been told about a million times since we announced it, “Strap yourself in – you think just because you’ve got a great relationship with Eve, you’ve probably got a handle on this, but this is a different kettle of fish!”

And I understand where they’re coming from, ’cos a lot of my mates have young kids.

So you’re having a little girl… Were you both keen to find out the sex?

Snez: Yes! I couldn’t have found out and not told Sam – and vice versa, ’cos we’re both really bad at keeping things like that from each other. A healthy baby was the most important thing to us, but I think it’s great that Eve can have a little sister.

Sam: I never thought about [having a boy or a girl] and then we found out and it just felt right. I mean, the joke is that my whole life is surrounded by girls – my 28 program is 90 per cent women, I was on The Bachelor for crying out loud!

I live with two girls – my house has gone from a bachelor pad to getting a pretty new painting every time I come home. And that’s clearly about to continue. It’s my fate!

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For more of Sam and Snez’s interview, more pics of Snez’s beautiful bump and all the details about their new wedding plans, pick up the new issue of NW on stands now!

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