Celebrity News

Raquel Welch: “Sex is overrated”

The image of Raquel Welch in a fur bikini is burnt into the brains of a whole generation of men, but the women herself thinks sex is "overrated".
Raquel Welch at 71.

The image of Raquel Welch in a fur bikini is burnt into the brains of a whole generation of men, but the women herself thinks sex is “overrated”.

In an interview that is certain to disappoint her legions of male admirers, the 71-year-old actress has criticised the insatiable libidos of modern men, saying sex has become something mundane and distinctly unsexy.

“I think we’ve gotten to the point in our culture where we’re all sex addicts, literally,” Raquel told the current issue of US Men’s Health magazine.

“We have equated happiness in life with as many orgasms as you can possibly pack in, regardless of where it is that you deposit your love interest.”

Raquel blames pornography for turning men into slobbering messes interested only in ‘plastic’ women and ‘prefabricated’ encounters.

Proper sex, she says, is all about mystery and sensual daydreams, unspoiled by a graphic play-by-play downloaded from the internet.

“It’s just dehumanising and I have to honestly say, I think this era of porn is at least partially responsible for it,” she said.

“It’s all prefab now … so plastic and phony. It’s an exploitation of the poor male’s libidos. Poor babies, they can’t control themselves.

“I don’t care if I’m becoming one of those old fogies who says, ‘Back in my day we didn’t have to hear about sex all the time’. My fantasies were all made up on my own. They’re ruining us with all the explanations and the graphicness.”

Raquel shot to international fame when she played a sexy cavewoman in a fur bikini in 1966 hit in One Million Years BC.

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