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‘It changed our relationship’: Kate Langbroek reveals shocking pay gap with co-host Dave Hughes

'I discovered I was being paid less … Much less.'
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TV and radio personality Kate Langbroek has shared the moment she uncovered the shocking revelation that she was paid 40 per cent less than her co-host Dave Hughes.

Following a recent segment on The Project exploring new legislation targeting the gender pay gap, Langbroek shared with the panel her first-hand experience of being paid less in the same job than her male colleague.

During the panel discussion, Langbroek stated that she and Hughes ‘never ever discussed what we got paid.’

It was not until their penultimate job on the Hughsey & Kate radio show that Langbroek became aware of the disparity, with Langbroek being shocked to uncover there was a 40 per cent pay gap between her and Hughes.

‘I adore him’: The Hughesy & Kate show first aired in 2001.

(Image: Getty)

Although staggering, Langbroek’s admission is unfortunately not uncommon, with Australian women earning on average $7.72 for every $10 earned by men.

A survey of almost 4.5 million employees nationwide by the Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency revealed a national gender pay gap of 22.8%, almost double the 13.3% figure reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics sample, with women being paid an average of $26,000 less a year than their male colleagues.

Despite the disparity in their pay, Langbroek took to Instagram to counter the claims that there is bad blood between herself and Hughes.

‘I am not estranged from David William Hughes. I never have been … and I don’t think I ever could be’, she stated.

‘I love my friend.’ Langbroek and Hughes remain closer than ever.

(Image: Instagram)

Langbroek was also quick to dispel any speculation regarding Hughes’ attitude towards the pay disparity, stating that Hughes was ‘mortified – properly shocked – and immediately sought to rectify the situation’, with Hughes even offering to take a pay cut.

‘Knowing that we could speak freely about our negotiations and that we were treated as true equals at our radio network was the best’, she added.

Langbroek further encouraged discussions regarding pay transparency and stated that once knowledge of the gap in payments arose, Hughes ‘vowed from that point on, we would always negotiate together on the show we built together, and we did.’

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