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Every single time Jacinda Ardern proved she is the female powerhouse we all need

An iconic leader of our times.
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The woman that has been hailed as one of the most iconic leaders in the modern world has resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Jacinda Ardern’s kind, open-mind nature has earned her a level of respect so despairingly rare for any given political head.

She’s been considered an icon of hope for many, both within New Zealand and far beyond.

From being just the second woman to give birth while in office, to handling crises with compassion and strength, the political world has been better off thanks to Ardern’s impact on it.

A poignant image of New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern sums up everything she, and her country reflects – strength.

(Image: Getty)

In March 2019, one image summed up one of the darkest days in New Zealand’s history – and in it, Jacinda Ardern’s face spoke a thousand words – words that many were lost for.

There was despair, there was sorrow, and there was a sense of overwhelming compassion.

In that moment, the Prime Minister of New Zealand summed up an entire country’s grief as she visited members of the Muslim community following a tragic terrorist attack on a Christchurch mosque, which claimed the lives of at least 50 people.

But there was something else that couldn’t be mistaken in Jacinda’s face – strength, emotive in its form, but physically apparent as she felt the pain of four million other New Zealanders.

It showed something special, and something undeniable – here was a leader who truly reflected the values of the nation she represents.

WATCH: Mark Richardson talks to Jacinda Ardern about motherhood and politics. Story continues after video…

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Indeed ever since the 42-year-old took on role of Prime Minster in October 2017, she has proved time and time again why she is worthy holding such an influential position in the political landscape.

Ardern has always been a passionate advocate for women’s rights. In fact, she famously made headlines for her staunch views when she told off a television host who said employers had a right to ask about a woman’s plans for children.

She was quick to shut him down, telling him: “It is a woman’s decision about when they choose to have children and it should not predetermine whether or not they have job opportunities.”

Being the ultimate example in practising exactly what she preaches, Jacinda announced soon afterwards that she was pregnant with her first child with partner Clarke Gayford.

And did that stop her from going on to become one of New Zealand’s most prominent, inspiring politicians? Absolutely not. And rightly so.

After giving birth to a baby girl in June 2018 (concurrently becoming the second woman in the world to give birth while in office, might we add), Ardern was back to work no less than two months later.

Even more striking was the way that Jacinda tackled motherhood and politics at the same time.

With a job description including, but by no means limited to attending various events, presenting stirring speeches, not to mention engaging in political debates with a view to helping an entire nation for the better, you’d barely believe the hard-working politician is also helping to raise a newborn baby.

But for this brave brunette, it’s all in a days work.

And now, as she steps down after leading New Zealand for almost six years, we’ve rounded up her very best, and most inspiring moments. Power to you, Jacinda.


Vote 2020

In October 2020, Jacinda Ardern and labour won the New Zealand general election in a landslide victory, making another three glorious years in office for the inspirational leader.


Vote 2020

The Kiwi PM has been praised for her effective handling of the COVID-19 crisis – she opted for a complete stage four lockdown across the country in March, which lasted five weeks.



Indeed, Jacinda’s response to the worldwide crisis received international praise as her no-nonsense and swift approach resulted in New Zealand reducing their active and locally aquired cases to zero for the most part of 2020.

Christchurch 4

As the city of Christchurch grieved following the harrowing events of March 15, 2019 where at least 50 people were killed in a mass shooting at a mosque, Jacinda was strong, supportive and spoke words the nation needed to hear: “They are us. The person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not.” (Image: Getty)

Christchurch 1

The following day, images of Jacinda embracing members of the Muslim community in Christchurch swept the globe, with many applauding her show of solidarity.

“We will be here whenever you need, in the coming days, the coming weeks and the coming months,” she told them. “New Zealand is a place that we cherish equally, for its inclusiveness, for its diversity and I will consider it my personal mission as Prime Minister to defend that so long as I have the privilege of holding this office.” (Image: Getty)

Christchurch 3

Witnessing your country’s darkest day would be one of the toughest things to endure, yet leader Jacinda brought things back to what everyone knew to be true: “This is not the New Zealand that any of us know.” (Image: Getty)

Christchurch 2

This was the moment that swept the world, encapsulating everything the New Zealand leader is – compassionate, understanding, accepting, and strong. (Image: Getty)

Jacinda Instagram

Back in June 2018, Jacinda proved she was the ultimate inspiration to working women across the world, becoming the second woman in the world to give birth while in office.

Turning convention on its head, her partner Clarke Gayford became a stay-at-home dad while Jacinda returned to work within two months. (Image: Instagram @[jacindaardern)

Jacinda baby

She may be the leader of a nation, but Jacinda proved she’s also your regular new mum. Pictures of her bringing her young daughter Neve to a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in 2018 was case in point – and she made history while she was at it.

“If I could distil it down into one concept that we are pursuing in New Zealand it is simple and it is this. Kindness,” she said at the time. (Image: Getty)

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Appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert not long after the meeting, Jacinda was open about the realities of motherhood, opening discussing how she was stopped for a chat while shopping for maternity bras and her penchant for wearing Spanx – which she admitted to wearing right there on the show!

Taking to her Instagram page to clear things up, Ardern clarified: “To be fair, one layer was spanx and one layer was a pregnancy belly band. #Glamour”. (Image: Getty)

Jacinda Instagram

In February 2018, Ardern became the first New Zealand Prime Minister to march in a gay pride parade. She joined a crowd of 25,000 in support of LGBTI people with mental health problems, posting the above photo to her Instagram page.

“I’ve loved every Pride Parade I have been lucky enough to walk in, but this one was particularly special. The streets were packed, and what an important message that sends about diversity and inclusiveness,” she wrote. (Image: Instagram @jacindaardern)

Jacinda Instagram

The clothing says it all: Jacinda has never held back from being vocal about her beliefs in feminism and equality for all. (Image: Instagram @jacindaardern)

New Zealand Cabinet Holds First Meeting Of 2019

We wouldn’t say no to working with a boss like this! Jacdina, who is the youngest person to have held the role of Prime Minister in 150 years, glowed as she kicked off a new year in politics for the first cabinet meeting in 2019. (Image: Getty)

Art Deco Festival

And there’s no denying her and Clarke’s style! The parents attended an Art Deco Festival in February 2019 looking every bit the everyday young couple-turned-parents they are – how refreshing. (Image: Getty)

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