Celebrity News

The Bachelor’s Anna Heinrich reveals the “terrible” makeup habit she had long before becoming a mum

Plus, how she's managing lockdown with baby Elle.
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Stuck in Sydney’s lockdown with baby daughter Elle, The Bachelor’s Anna Heinrich says she and husband Tim Robards are focusing on the positives.

“We’re so lucky to be in the position we are, we’ve got a beautiful healthy young girl and we’re just trying to make the most of it,” she tells Now To Love over the phone.

The 34-year-old mum admits lockdown has been an “interesting” challenge with Elle, nine months.

“We love it when she sleeps, because that’s when we get our time […] to get as much as we can done,” Anna laughs.

In the months since she and Tim welcomed their daughter in November 2020, Anna has really taken to motherhood.

Anna Heinrich with her husband, Tim Robards, and their baby daughter Elle.


Of course, having former Bachelor Tim at her side makes things a little easier, and the couple are all about teamwork.

“Whenever I need to go out for a run, or whenever I need a sleep in, he’s there to help,” Anna says of her husband.

He also helps her switch off at the end of the day, when they’ll often curl up to binge a series on Netflix or Stan.

Juggling parenthood, a marriage, countless projects, and a lockdown can be trying, but Anna makes it look so good.

Seriously, just peek at her Instagram selfies – this mum is glowing!

Anna says it’s all to do with her approach to skincare, something she slacked off on in her younger years.

“When I was younger, I didn’t take care of my skin whatsoever,” she admits

“Sometimes if I did my eyes the night before and I went out, I would sleep in my makeup and then I’d leave my eye makeup on for the next day.

“I’d go out in the sun without a hat, without sunscreen, you’d go on holidays and bake yourself […] I was terrible with my skin.”

It wasn’t until she hit her 30s that Anna realised the impact those bad habits were having on her skin and decided to do something about it.

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She began trying new creams and serums while learning about her own skin’s specific needs, as well as researching almost every product she tried.

Not content to sit back and wait for the information to come to her, the 34-year-old encourages everyone to get educated on skincare.

“I have certainly changed everything I know about skin and how I approach it,” she says.

“The more I understand, the better choices I’ll make when it comes to my skincare.”

Like anyone, there was a lot of trial and error involved in Anna’s skincare journey and she says no one – including her – can expect perfect results overnight.

In fact, whenever she tries a new product, Anna makes sure to use it for weeks or even months before deciding what she thinks of it.

“I want to be truthful when I talk about a product,” she explains.

That’s what she’s currently doing with Olay’s new Collagen Peptide 24 moisturiser, which has been a game-changer for her skin.

Having worked as an ambassador for the brand for over a year, Anna knows how their products work for her sensitive skin and is “really excited” about the collagen range.

Collagen has been a trending ingredient for a while now, but Anna had been relying on ingestible collagen supplements instead of creams because most collagen products aren’t easily absorbed into the skin.

Anna says the new Olay Collagen Peptide 24 range has been a game-changer.


That’s why Olay developed the Collagen Peptide range, which is specifically formulated to penetrate the skin.

“They’ve got a lot of very intelligent scientists to create it!” Anna laughs over the phone.

Her skincare routine has gone through a bit of a shakeup since becoming a mum, as most of her time is now dedicated to Elle.

Like many mums, she’s had to streamline her approach to her skin and focus on finding the couple of products that really work and don’t cost a bomb.

“You’ve got to be very efficient with your skincare as a mum,” Anna reminds us.

Anna admits her approach to skincare has changed since becoming a mum.


“But you don’t need 100 different products […] and you can definitely do it on a budget.”

In fact, two of her biggest skincare recommendations aren’t even products you can buy at the beauty store; they’re good food and sleep.

“The better I eat, the better I sleep, the better mum I’m going to be,” she says – and the better her skin will look.

Of course, it’s easier said than done when you’re a busy mum juggling a bub and a full-on work schedule, but Anna’s making it work!

As an Olay ambassador, Anna Heinrich has been using Olay products and learning about the science behind the brand.

The Olay Collagen Peptide 24 Facial Moisturiser and Serum is bio-available, meaning it absorbs up to 40% deeper into skin as compared to other collagen in the market, creating plumper and bouncier skin all-day long.

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