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Why meeting the third runner-up of the Bachelorette made me realise I am the most awkward human

When I interviewed the Bachelorette star Jake Ellis, I knew I had to play it cool. But things didn't go to plan.
Jake Ellis

The 30-year-old was dropping by Now To Love HQ to personally deliver roses for Valentine’s Day… And fingers crossed, he was going to tell me, Chloe Lal, who was set to be the next Bachelor.

I was set to get the scoop of the year! And it’s only February.

From (kind of) watching The Bachelorette, I knew Jake Ellis was a lovely guy… Funny, tall and handsome – I thought I was ready for this introduction.

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Upon meeting him I was, well, freaking gobsmacked. He looked and smelt like a model.

It’s like when you accidentally, on purpose, stalk one of your Tinder matches, never expect to meet them and the low and behold, you’re face-to-face at a Tame Impala gig.

This definitely, 10000% has not happened to the writer of this article… Moving right along

My chat with Jake taught me many life lessons, the first being – if you think someone from TV is remotely attractive, chances are they are going to supersede that in real life.

The second nugget of truth?

If you fancy spoiling a friend or a significant other on Valentine’s Day, and you live in Sydney, Jake can hand-deliver them a bloody rose free of charge! But more on that a little later.

Flicks hair with air of mystery

Before meeting Jake, I had set out to have the flair of Lee Lin Chin, the commitment of Sandra Sully all while looking and sounding like Kate Hudson.

The elements and heavens proved to be not in my favour.

Things were off to a thorny start when the local coffee shop was chockas full.

It had only THEN occurred to me that Jake had no idea what I looked like – this was going to be the world’s worst blind date – I mean interview.

Thankfully we (and his two incredible PR pals) locked eyes across the room.

We’d be smiling too…

We were faced with our relationship’s first real roadblock: busy café does not maketh a good interview spot.

Breathing calmly, I repeated my 2017 mantra, “You’re a smart, intelligent woman, you got this…”

Two minutes later I was schleping the-former-TV-star-turned-potential-next-Bachelor back to my office.

The worst is behind us… Nothing could go wrong.

Present Chloe wishes she could have told past Chloe, “Just like you’d tell someone watching Game of Thrones for the first time, ‘The worst is NEVER behind you.’”

The day was proving to be this gal’s worst wingman.

Out of all the people I could have bumped into, I see one of the company’s big wigs. She is eating salad, I tell her that salad is good.

See Jake, I find human interaction awkward no matter who you are! #EqualOpportunists

Jake’s eyes dart frantically around the small confined space. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the doors open to trusty level one.

Thankfully, Jake knew it was time to take the reins.

There’s a reason why you were on The Bachelorette

The 30-year-old was sitting across from me, not because of my charm and dazzling wit, but rather, to hand out roses.


Jake could neither confirm nor deny. I’ll take that as a maybe. “I think you’ll have to stay tuned,” he laughs as I tried to stare him down until the words tumble out of his mouth.

Giving in, he did share this: “Ahh look, if it wasn’t me and it was Matty J – he was one of my best mates in the house – I’d just love see him be happy. And I feel like he’d say the same thing if it was the other way round if it was myself or even someone else.”

Taking charge once again, Jake explained he wanted to make every Sydneysider happy on Valentine’s Day.

Working with Go People (think Uber for deliveries… BUT unlike other services, their postman won’t need to ring twice), the Bachie babe was keen to get to the pointy end of business and hand out some roses.

CHECK IT OUT: Moving visuals of Jake smouldering and sniffing roses in the video player below… Article continues

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“I’m playing Cupid this Valentine’s Day… I’m still single and there’s no one special really,” he tells me.

“But you never know, this could be practice for what’s ahead.”

Jake did reveal that he’s finally put his heartbreak from Georgia Love behind him.

“We recently did a big charity lunch. And I actually saw Georgia there – which was news to us.”

“It was a planned surprise between Lee and Georgia. It gave the people who donated money to attend the lunch, the chance to meet her. And it gave all the boys a chance to catch up.”

It’s true time heals all wounds and Jake even (kind of) went on a date with Georgia and Lee.

“The night before the charity lunch, I had landed in Melbourne with some friends of mine. And we went to this restaurant that told us there was a bit of a wait,” he tells.

“Turns out they sat me down at a table right next to Georgia and Lee … And Cam (hunky fireman) AND Ryan (unfortunately I was in Europe for a lot of the Bachelorette and Ryan did not make much of an impact… HOWEVER I’m certain he is a delight!)”

“It was a lot of fun. We’re all good mates,” he adds.

And you know how you can be a good mate? Nominate a friend (or me) to receive free roses from Go People.

Who knows, you may meet Jake and hit it off.

Lucky for you, in my hand I hold the secret to his dream date…

^I’m actually Osher… And my powers work all the way from the South African jungle

You don’t need to call the Channel Ten producers and beg for a billion dollar budget, Jake’s pretty chuffed with some arcade action.

“My dates don’t need to be extravagant. My favourite date would have to be going to Time Zone followed by some good food and wine,” he explains of his ultimate night out.

Also, he did confirm he’s open to dating a fan. I believe my work here is done.

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