By now we’re sure you’ve all swooned over the photos of Prince Harry and his stunning bride-to-be Meghan Markle looking wonderfully loved-up as they announced their engagement. It was a truly magical, historic moment and of course, no details from the event have been spared.
We know exactly where Meghan’s classic white wrap-around coat and nude lace-up heels came from, and we’ve been let in on all the details of that special engagement ring. But, what we want revealed is, how did Meghan get her hair so voluminous and bouncy?
Having a career Hollywood, Meghan has spent plenty of hours in the make-up chair picking up tips and tricks she can save for a rainy day (in London to announce her engagement to a PRINCE!). And, lucky for us, Meghan isn’t shy when it comes to spilling the secrets of the trade.
When it comes to giving her flowing tresses that now famous voluminous boost, believe it or not, the Suits star spends no money at all.

Volume 101.
“There is nothing like a hair flip,” Meghan told Birchbox.
Meghan learnt the simple hair hack from the hairstylist she worked with on the set of Suits, who she says occasionally used Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray to give the hair an extra boost — or no product at all.
Then, Markle explained, “[She] has me ‘flip back hard’ to give my hair a little extra bounce.”

^^ Us right now.
And as for keeping her skin hydrated and clean, Meghan’s skincare routine does not come with a royal price tag either.
Speaking with Beauty Banter recently, Meghan Markle spilled on the beauty products she uses to achieve that infamous ‘Markel sparkle’ glowing skin. The Suits actress revealed she uses Nivia’s, $6.50 Firming Body Lotion Q10 Plus “religiously”.

The American beauty added: “It’s honestly my favourite lotion on the market, it’s so affordable, and makes my skin look and feel amazing. I would buy a case of this at a time if I could find it.”
Also in her beauty bag are Biore Daily Deep Cleansing Wipes which Meghan says she keeps the $7 packet of wipes beside her bed for “those horribly lazy nights that the thought of getting up to actually wash your face seems unbearable.”
If these products are good enough for a future-royal, they’re good enough for us!