During Nora’s time in the Minneapolis’ Children’s Hospital, the family’s loyal basset hounds have kept a bed-side vigil, refusing to leave the dying baby’s side.
In a devastating turn of events, Nora’s parents have decided to turn off her life support after the stroke shut down her brain.
“My daughter had a stroke on April 6. We have been at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis since then. She is not going to survive,” Nora’s mother Mary explained in a heartbreaking update on the Nora Hall, Miracle Baby Facebook page.
“The longer we keep her on life support, the higher the chance is that she will suffer an acute crisis such as another stroke, heart attack or organ failure that will take her life.”
“We do not know when or how this would strike, but it is likely soon. If this happens, the pain and palliative team cannot guarantee that she will pass comfortably and unafraid,” Mary added.
Seeking solace in the small things, the family have been allowed to bring in their dogs to help calm their sick baby.
“They allowed us to have our bassets here in the last couple of days because they are so attached to her,” Mary said.
According to Mary, the two eight-year-old dogs have become “very stressed and sad” but have kept a loyal guard next to Nora.

The Basset Hounds, pictured with Nora at home before her stroke, simply adore the five-month-old.
“I was leaning towards sending them away [from her bed] so they didn’t get stressed, but after reading so many comments saying to keep them, then I will (the nurses are head over heels with them anyhow,” she said.
However the family have decided to let the dogs stay to help support their daughter during her final days.
Since her debilitating stroke, Nora has been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, which is a rare type of high blood pressure affecting the lungs and heart and can render sufferers with a very low life expectancy.
Our thoughts are with the Hall family during this tough time. If you’d like to help them, please visit their Go Fund Me page.

Nora’s mother has had the two dogs for eight years and already their bond with her baby is unbreakable.