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The new chocolate invention currently breaking the internet

We're finally in the future!

We all know that Japan are innovators when it comes to food (and everything else!), but their latest foodie invention has got the world in an uproar.

Bourbon, a Japanese food company, has released its new chocolate invention: the chocolate slice.

Shaped and packaged like a cheese single, which is used liberally on cheese toasties around the world, the “nama” chocolate can be used on toast, pancakes, biscuits, sponge rolls, sandwiches and can be manipulated for desserts like chocolate-coated (or should we say ‘chocolate-wrapped’) strawberries and chocolate roses.

The company sells the slices at 60 slices for $36 AUD, but they are, sadly, currently sold out.

Since hitting the internet, the chocolate slices have caused an uproar, with news sites like [Buzzfeed] labelling them a game changer.

What do you think of this new chocolate-y invention?

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